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You woke up with a warm feeling and big arms wrapped around your waist. Evan was snoring slightly as you turned to him. Your memory failed you, but you were fairly sure nothing actually happened. He must have ended up snuggling you at some point in the middle of the night. Though, you wouldn't have minded if something did happen last night.

Without wanting to ruin the moment, you moved your head back and closed your eyes again, thinking. You had a million other things to think about, but your mind was focused on the man in bed with you.

He finally began to stir, moving around slightly and yawning. A loud sigh escaped his lips and he rested his chin on your shoulder. You turned to him and gave him a smile, and he smiled back. His grip tightened around your waist, and you began to blush. He chuckled at your clear bashfulness and you blushed more.

"You love teasing me, don't you?" You asked him, kind of annoyed.

"Yup!" He playfully responded.

You rolled your eyes and sat up. He followed your actions and stretched. A lovely aroma flowed into the room, and you turned to look at Evan.

"Something smells good. It's making me hungry," you grinned.

"Yeah. Lui must be an amazing chef. It smells so good," he sighed, craving breakfast.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's eat!" You said as you jumped from bed.


Mark, Craig, and Lui were already in the kitchen when you and Evan came in. They were socializing as Lui finished up breakfast, and had set the pancakes and eggs in the middle of the large glass dinner table.

"Morning everyone! Take as much as you will eat. But remember, we're having a guest over, so leave him some," Lui told everyone as they filled the kitchen. You looked over at Evan, who stood beside you.

"A guest? Who?" You asked, confused.

"You'll see when he gets here," he grinned and went over to grab some pancakes, avoiding your question.

I wonder which YouTuber is joining us now...

You grabbed some food as well, and joined everyone in the living room. They had a movie playing, but you were spaced out and didn't pay attention to it. It may have been The Avengers, but it didn't matter to you anyways.

Could it be... Ugh. I have no idea who it is!

Your mind raced, and you couldn't help but become enraged. Why, of all the times, could you not remember your favorite YouTubers. You watched them often, but as soon as you try to list them you forget some.


"Someone wants in. That must be him," Lui said as he went over to the door. He pressed a button on the panel by the oak door, and he spoke into it.

"Come on up!"

You waited for a minute or two, unable to be patient. The curiosity was weighing you down, almost to the point of screaming. There was a knock at the door, and Lui opened it.

"Hey! Come on in!" He smiled and escorted a green-haired guy in. He was automatically familiar to you, and you became 20 times happier seeing his bright smile that you were already very familiar with.

"Hello everyone!" Sean spoke in his Irish accent as he waved.

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