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The guys all decided to play COD after Sean arrived, so you sat quietly and watched them. It was amusing because Craig kept on needing to be revived, so the others would constantly let him die and he would rage hard.


"Oh you were? Didn't even notice," Evan responded sarcastically and gave him a smirk.

"You're a bitch," Craig rolled his eyes and watched the others play before he could join again.

"I found the exit!" Sean announced triumphantly to the other players.

"Where is it?" Lui asked as he shot another zombie.

"It's in the subway. It costs 10,000," Sean replied.

"We don't have enough," Mark huffed. They all went to the subway with herds of zombies following close behind. Lui's character went to reload but he got killed.

"Shit. Revive me!" He said in a frenzy.

"You're surrounded. I don't think we can!" Evan laughed.

They all got into the subway and continued to run and kill zombies, until Evan ran out of bullets in both of his guns. He got out nearly 5 seconds later. Mark was left, and he was freaking out.

"I'm so done. I'm bad at COD. Oh god I'm dying!" He yelled as a zombie attacked him from behind.

"Go Mark!" Sean cheered, but it was useless. Mark died as he was cornered.

Game over. You survived 26 rounds.

They all sighed in defeat and looked at each other. Evan looked back at the screen and noticed something. He began to laugh, which caused everyone else to examine the screen.

"Guys, Craig had enough points to end the game," he snickered.

"See?! Bet you guys regret letting me die now don't you?" He mumbled his smart remark.

Evan stood up, and his phone began to vibrate in his pocket. He pulled it out and saw that it was Tyler. He hesitated, and then announced, "It's Tyler. I told him not to contact us unless there was a problem..." He trailed off before he answered the phone.

"Hello? What's wrong Tyler?" Evan asked with worry in his tone. You all sat there giving each other worried glances, fearing the worst.

"Is everyone okay?" Evan asked again. You looked at Mark beside you, and he returned your gaze with a fearful glance. You turned to look up at Evan once more, and so did Mark.

What happened? I hope no one is hurt.

Evan hung up the phone quietly before saying goodbye to Tyler on the other end. He looked down, refusing to turn around and face everyone. That told you something seriously bad happened, and you worried that someone was hurt or killed somehow.

"What happened?" Lui asked quietly. Evan hesitated again before answering Lui's question, that was also running through our heads as well.

"Felix attacked again," he whispered.

"He's so stupid. He attacked just yesterday and now he attacked today?" Craig replied.

"H-he shot Marcel and injured Delerious severely. Marcel is still alive, but he's hurt bad. Delerious is okay as well, but his left arm is broken," Evan said, still avoiding our gazes. You had tears threaten to flow, but you stopped them. You couldn't help but feel responsible for Felix's actions yet again, though you knew you couldn't do anything.

"He's slowly killing us off one-by-one," Mark looked away as well.

"We need to relocate again. This time, all of us. They need more help over there, and we're here playing games and doing nothing," Evan whispered and turned, looking at all of us.

"I agree, but how are we supposed to find a house to relocate to on such short notice? At this rate, we are going to be forced to buy another house," Lui looked back at Evan and awaited a response.

I never thought about that. We can't just buy another house.

"Tyler told me he has a house near San Fransisco. It's a small farm house, and he said some of us will have to share rooms, but it's better than nothing," he replied.

"I suggest we travel in separate cars, just for safety precautions," Craig added.

"Good idea. I'll go pick up the guys at the house, you all head out to this address," Evan wrote something down and handed Craig the paper.

Evan walked to the door as everyone else began to pack their things and prepare to head out. You stood up from the couch and ran over to Evan as he walked out of the door. You reached him in the hall and placed a hand on his shoulder. He didn't turn to face you, but he knew it was you.

"What are you doing (y/n)?" He asked.

"I'm going with you," you respond.

"No," his reply caught you by surprise.

"Why not?"

"Because everyone else is getting hurt, and I'd hate myself if you were to get injured as well. Remember, I promised you I'd fight to protect you," he turned to you and you saw a tear rolling down his face. It surprised you, because he was always so tough when you were with him.

"Evan..." You pulled him into a hug, and he squeezed you tight. You looked up at him and stared into his chocolate brown eyes. His hand came up and cupped your cheek, and pulled your face closer to his. The next thing you knew, his lips were against yours in a tender kiss.

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