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The next day was spent making a recovery, or attempting to at least. Evan said he figured it would take Nogla some extra time to fully recover, so he was left alone. Meanwhile, Evan had to work on relocation. Felix knew where you and the guys were, so he had to find a new safe place for you to hide in until they could defeat the bastard.

"Ok here's what I got. We have more YouTubers spread out everywhere. We had to leave some as 'secret agents', if that's what you'd call them. We can leave a few guys here, and some of us will go with you to relocate with one of our secret men. That sound good?" Evan turned to you as you were staring off into space. You nodded your head as you continued to stare at the map of California on the wall in front of you.

"So who will we relocate with?" You asked as you finally turned to look at Evan.

"Lui Calibre."


The car continued down the road as you and a few of the guys headed south, down to San Diego. Nogla, Tyler, Marcel, Delerious, and Cartoonz stayed back at the house. They had to repair the damaged parts of the house, help Nogla recover, and they also had to attempt to track down Felix. Everyone knows that they should've been trying to find him a while ago, but none of them were prepared to the fullest. Now they know the competition pretty well, at least well enough to begin to fight back.

Evan turned onto the highway as you, Craig, and Mark were heading to Lui's. You turned to glance at Evan beside you. He had a white tee shirt on with a black leather jacket. He paired it with ripped and faded blue jeans and white sneakers. You had to admit, he looked really good. But you had it hammered in your head that he would never take you.

Why? I got him into this huge mess, so why would he want a train wreck like me?

A sigh escaped your lips, and you saw Evan turn to look at you from the corner of your eye.

Crap. He probably knows something is wrong now.

You sat there in silence, waiting for the trip to end. The first thing that came to your head as you were staring out the window was Nogla. You felt like it was your doing that lead to him being hurt. This was all you. The house was on the verge of collapse, many of the guys had been injured, and they all have to spend every waking moment watching you like you were a child.

You couldn't help but shed a tear. It was you. All you. Your mind flooded with regret and depression.

Nogla could've died.

They all could've lost their lives.

This is my fault.

My existence is a burden to everyone around me.


The car came to a stop in front of a large apartment building. You were anxious to go inside and hide away for a while, and maybe get rid of the depression that was slowly weighing you down.

You all got out and made your way in. Lui was awaiting your arrival in the lobby, and waved you all to the elevators happily. He led you and the others to the fourth floor and down a hall, and finally to his room. He unlocked it and allowed you all to enter first.

His apartment wasn't bad at all, in fact it was fairly large and very modern. You stepped into the living room and looked around, impressed by the nice apartment.

"Make yourselves at home. But, I only have one spare bedroom so two of you might have to share or sleep on the couch. I'll let you all arrange that however you want to," Lui said as he followed you into the living room.

"Alright. Lui, pick a number between 1 and 20 and we'll try to guess it. The two who are the closest share the guest room, and the other two have to sleep on the couch," Evan spoke as he sat on the large white couch.

"Ok, what do you think it is Craig?" Lui turned to the red-haired man.

"7," he replied.

"11," Mark added.

"20," Evan guessed.

"How about you (y/n)?" Lui pointed at you.

"Um... 15?" You mumbled.

"It was 19. You and Evan get the guest room," Lui smirked. Mark and Craig looked to each other, slightly pissed. You glanced at Evan, who wasn't making eye contact with you.


You lugged your suitcase of clothes into the guest bedroom. The room was fairly large, and modern like the rest of the apartment. There was a queen-sized bed on the opposite wall, which meant you and Evan were sleeping in the same bed. Your face began to turn light pink, and then you remembered.

I am a burden to him... He'd never like me.

You were about ready to curl up and cry under the covers, but Evan came through the door with his suitcase. You had no desire to draw attention to yourself or burden him with anything more, so you kept a straight face.

"I can sleep on the floor tonight if you're uncomfortable with sleeping in the same bed," he spoke as he went over to the dresser and began unpacking his things.

"N-no it's ok. I'm fine," you softly mumbled, avoiding looking at him.

You couldn't see him, but you could hear him come closer to where you were standing.

"Why are you lying?" He asked.

"W-what?" You questioned, confused.

"It's pretty clear something is wrong, and you're worrying me. Tell me, what's wrong?" He gently whispered behind you. A tear rolled down your face, and you turned on your heel to face him. You looked up at him, and another tear came down your face.

"I've done nothing but hurt you all and cause trouble. I'm the reason Nogla was hurt. I'm the reason the house is torn. I'm the reason you all have to waste your precious time every single day," you cried.

Evan pulled you into his arms, and you were surprised by his actions.

"Don't blame yourself for Felix's actions. None of this is your fault. You couldn't help any of this," he whispered. You pulled him close to you and buried your face into his chest. He was right, and you now knew that.


Night came around, and you all had already eaten dinner. Lui cooked some grilled chicken and made some salad, and it was all really good. You all were reclining on the couch, when Lui stood.

"I'm going to retire for the night. You all can go to bed whenever," he said as he went into the hall. Everyone slowly decided that they were tired as well, so you decided to enter the guest room and try to sleep.

You changed into some (f/c) pajama pants and put on a tank top, and went over to the bed. You slipped the covers on, and Evan came in. He had changed into sweats when you had first came over, so he took off his shirt so he could sleep. Your eyes were glued to him as he took off his shirt, all his muscles now out in the open. It took a while before you were able to peel your eyes away from him.

He came under the covers and laid there silently for a few minutes. You wanted to say something to him, but couldn't find the strength to muster a word to him. He was the one who first broke the silence.

"Night," he whispered.

"Wait!" You turned to face him, fear across your face.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I'm scared of the outcome of all this mess. I want it to have a happy ending," you whispered as you hugged his arm. He turned on his side to look at you, and he pulled you closer to him.

"It will. I promise I will make sure this has a happy ending," he whispered into your ear.

The two of you feel asleep, soundly, in each other's arms. You didn't think of anything but him, and he couldn't think of anything except you.

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