Target Practice

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The rest of the day didn't end up being video game tournaments, like last night's Mario Kart war. Instead, everyone was driving to a secluded shooting range to practice. It surprised you how intense this 'YouTube Battle', or whatever was going on, was.

Everyone but you and Evan left for the shooting range. You two were waiting for Mark and Brock to come back home so you could finally change. Though, you would love to wear Evan's clothes forever.

You and Evan were sitting in the living room, waiting for your clothes to finally arrive. Evan was watching tv, mindlessly flipping from channel to channel. You were lost in thought, thinking mostly of the ripped guy sitting next to you. You had to wonder if he was single or not. Obviously, he's the kind of guy who naturally attracts girls. So he must have someone special.

You two heard the garage for open, and you jumped from the couch. You were honestly kind of excited to go to the shooting range.

"Evan?" You heard Mark call as he entered the house.

"We're in here," Evan yelled back. Mark  came in the room, with Brock following him. They threw a bag to you, and you caught it.

"I'm going to go change," you said as you started your way up the stairs. You went to your room and entered, tossing the bag on the floor.

I'll unpack it all later. Right now, I just need something to wear to the shooting range.

You dug through the bag and came across your favorite pair of faded shorts. You also pulled out a (f/c) tank top, with a black owl design on it. You quickly changed into them and looked at yourself in the mirror.

Not bad...

You smiled at your reflection as you grabbed your converse and ran down the stairs. You had Evan's clothes in one arm, and you were clutching your shoes in the other.

"You ready?" Evan asked you as you came down the stairs. You nodded in response, and he clapped his hands together.

"Alright. Let's go shoot shit."

~Time Skip~

"Have you ever shot a gun (y/n)?" Evan asked as you two stood there. There was a row of old wooden targets in front of you both, and a line of weapons laid in the back of the car. You and Evan were the only two at this part of the shooting range, while everyone else was at the newer target area.

"You guys have a bow and some arrows?" You looked up at him, and he gave you a confused glance.

"You want to shoot a bow and arrow?" He asked puzzled.

You nodded your head, and he handed you a bow from the back of the truck. He gave you a few arrows, and you grabbed one.

"You need any help?" He asked before you prepared to shoot. You shook your head as you pulled back, your hand by your cheek. You breathed as you released, and watched the arrow hit the target.

"Incredible! You were so close to getting it perfectly in the middle of the target. I had no idea you could shoot a bow and arrow," he said, slightly astonished.

You giggled at his amazed expression. You walked over to the target and grabbed the arrow, and came back to see that he was still in a slight daze.

"Hey, I am curious to know more about you. Because now I see that all the stuff I previously thought was a lie," he laughed.

"I will talk, if you beat me in a game. Whoever shoots the target exactly in its center wins," you giggled.

"I'm accept your challenge," he said, grabbing a bow and arrow. You grabbed an arrow and prepared to shoot it.

"On the count of three. 1...2...3!" He yelled. You both quickly pulled back and aimed. You shot yours a second after he shot his. You looked down to see that his was in the center of the target.

"Congratulations. What do you want to know?" You turned to him and set down your arrow, giving a playful bow.

~Time Skip Again~

You two laughed and talked for an hour or so, sitting in the back of the truck. It was nice to socialize with him, especially since you also wanted to have a chance to talk to him.

"I like your shirt. Owls are my favorite animals," he pointed to your shirt. You blushed slightly, and smiled.


You and Evan's private time was abruptly ended when a heard of YouTubers came over to the truck. They were laughing and discussing how well they did, and you turned to Evan. You gave him a slightly pissed off face, and he laughed.

"We'll talk more later," he chuckled.

"YO! We are having another Mario Kart battle tonight! I'm totally going to kick your ass, Mark!" Delirious pointed to Mark and laughed his crazy laugh.

"In your dreams!" Mark replied as they all hopped into the car.

"I'm still the champion!" Marcel yelled.

"Shut up!" Tyler yelled back.

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