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"(Y/n)? Wake up," you heard someone whisper to you. Your eyelids slowly opened to reveal Markiplier and Brock, standing by your bed. You slowly sat up, and made a quick attempt to fix your messy (h/c) hair before you were embarrassed. You looked up at them once your hair was fixed.

"We need to go to your apartment and grab your clothes. You have a key?" Brock asked.

"Oh yeah. Give me a second," you said as you stood up and walked over to your jeans you had on yesterday. You dug in the back pocket and pulled out your apartment key. You tossed it to Mark, and he caught it mid-air.

"Keep it, I have no use for it," you mumbled.

"Thanks. Nogla made breakfast if you were hungry," Brock said before they slipped out of your room.

I wonder how good Nogla's cooking is...

You laughed to yourself as you opened your door and walked toward the stairs. You could hear your stomach growl at you as you were nearing the kitchen, and you could smell the sweet aroma of cinnamon. The smell made your stomach practically scream at you for food.

On your way there, you looked down and smiled. You still had Evan's clothes on. They were a bit baggy on you, but that didn't bother you. You walked into the kitchen and saw Nogla in the kitchen, standing at the stove. You saw Tyler and Craig at the bar, and Marcel, Lui, Delerious, Brian, and Cartoonz were sitting around the table.

You walked to the kitchen and stood by Nogla. You saw that he was preparing French toast, and your stomach growled at the sight. Somehow over everyone's talking, he heard your stomach.

"Someone's hungry!" He laughed, "You sleep well last night?"

"Yeah, how'd you sleep Nogla?" You smiled at him.

"Not too well since I didn't have a good night kiss..." He pouted. You blushed as he teased you. You wanted to tease him back, so you leaned forward and gave him a peck on his cheek.

All the talking in the room stopped, and you turned and realized everyone was looking at you to. You laughed slightly and blushed as you saw Nogla staring at you from the corner of your eye. You turned to him and giggled.

"Touché," he chuckled as he handed you a plate of French toast. All the silence died as everyone went back to eating and socializing.

You sat at the end of the table and began munching on your food, then Evan had walked in. You blushed as you could tell he was tired, and he looked so cute.

"Morning sleeping beauty!" Craig laughed.

"Morning, dumbasses," Evan mumbled in response.

"You missed so much already," Nogla laughed as he finished another plate of French toast.

"What happened?" Evan asked, slightly surprised.

"Nogla got a kiss on the cheek this morning," Tyler chuckled.

"It wasn't from you was it?" Evan asked, and Tyler pointed over his shoulder to you. Evan followed his finger and looked over at you. You blushed slightly as he chuckled.

"Looks like you've already made yourself comfortable," he laughed.

You smiled and couldn't help but laugh as well.


Sorry for the inconsistency with the YouTuber's names. I was going to give them all their actual names, but I felt like if I used their names, some readers might get lost. I usually refer to them all as their YouTube names, so I sometimes get lost in fanfics.

Anyway, thanks for 60 views. There's almost 70 now. I know it isn't a lot, at all, but I am still happy about it.

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