No Regrets

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Evan's POV

I left (y/n) in a rush after I kissed her. It's not like I regretted the kiss, nor did I not like her, I was just scared to see how she'd react. I was afraid of rejection. She's already been through enough, plus she also has a bit of depression due to blaming herself for the recent events that have happened. I was scared she'd yell in my face or completely turn around and ignore me. Doing that already jeopardized our current relationship, and now hanging with (y/n) will probably be very awkward.

I hated the thought of a messed up friendship with her. I like her, but doing that could've ruined my chances with (y/n).

"Idiot," I whispered as I neared the truck, "you had to make a move, now of all the times."

I hopped into the truck in a hurry, remembering the current situation. I pulled out of the parking lot, and went north to pick up the others. In a desperate attempt to forget about the kiss, I turned on the radio. That was a mistake, however, because a love song came blaring through the speakers.

"How deep is your love?"

I shut it off quickly and decided that music wasn't going to help. I was itching to be able to get it off my mind, but I couldn't.

*beep beep*

I looked over at my phone and it told me I had a text from Tyler. I hesitated before picking it up, and I quickly read it.

"You almost here? Marcel isn't doing well man,"

"Shit," I mumbled to myself as I slammed on the gas.


"Is Marcel okay?" I asked Tyler who was running over to greet me.

"A little, but we ran out of bandages to wrap his wounds," he responded.

"We can pick up some on the way over to the house. Lui and the others should be heading there now."

"Okay. I'll call for the guys and we can head out."

Tyler walked over to the house, which was in even worse condition than last attack we experienced. My heart dropped a little at the sight. The once big and beautiful house was covered in debris, black marks, and bullet holes. You couldn't even see the original color it once was.

Cartoonz came out moments later with Delerious close beside him. Delerious had a cast on his left arm, but he still looked like his regular cocky self. He grinned at me as he came closer to where I stood. It was his signature cheeky grin.

"Don't think just because I have an injury that I'll let you win against me in Mario Kart. I feel better than ever and ready to beat you!" He chuckled.

"You're on asshole," I playfully retorted as he hopped into the truck.

Next came Nogla, who was looking in a better state than I last saw him. I was happy to see he was making a quick recovery, especially given how bad his injury was.

"Ay Evan. How have things been at Lui's?" He grinned as he walked up to me.

"Hectic as always," I responded. Nogla laughed at my answer, and put a hand on his hip.

"And how is Miss Sassy Pants doing?"

"She's been okay," I chuckled, "but she has a bit of depression." Nogla looked at me with slight worry in his eyes. I forgot he grew a friendship with her as well.

"Keep her from doing anything crazy okay?"

"Sure thing."

"Besides, she always seems more energetic around you," he winked at me playfully. I shifted uncomfortably, unable to believe the lie he told me through his teeth.

"Yeah right," I told him with a sigh.

"I ship it," he snickered.

"Just get in the car, you Irish bastard," I joked. He got into the car, still laughing to himself. Tyler then came out of the house, looking panicked.

"Evan, I need some help over here!" He called for me.


Marcel was laying on the couch, which had bullet holes scattered across it and had some dry wall over it. He had a pained facial expression and his hand groping his chest. He was shirtless and had bandages wrapped around his chest, but blood was seeping through them.

"Do we have any more pain killers?" I asked Tyler.

"Nogla had the last of them," he said, looking over at his hurt friend on the couch.

"Do we have the tranquilizer?"

"Are you implying that we should put him to sleep?" He gave me a look that told me he thought I had gone insane.

"Think about it; he's in pain. Sleep will be the only way to keep him from being in pain."

"Whatever, you're the boss I guess. Let's tranquilize him."


We started out that afternoon with two injured guys and a sleeping Marcel, along with Tyler and Cartoonz of course. The trip to Tyler's secluded house took about two hours, not including the stop we made for more supplies. I had Nogla text Craig to ask him if they'd made it safely to the house, but he said we haven't gotten any response.

"Ah well. We'll see them when we get there," I said as we continued down the highway.

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