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The car ride seemed endless, and you were surrounded by YouTubers who were arguing like children. It was stupid little things to quarrel over, too, and you had a hard time blocking them out. All they did was contribute to your already-raging headache.

It did send a warm feeling inside of you though. They were arguing, but it was silly fighting and they were now just taking turns playfully poking fun at each other. It was nice to know that they all got along so well, even when the cameras and recording stopped.

As everyone continued to fight over Xbox vs Play Station, when MiniLadd looked over at you.

"What do you think?"

The question caught you off-guard, but you quickly remarked, "It doesn't matter. It's just about what you personally prefer."

"See?! Exactly, but this egghead can't understand that!" he angrily exclaimed pointing to Wildcat.

"Look man, all I'm saying is that Xbox is-"

"Shut up!" Moo Snuckel laughed.

The arguing stopped now, even though Wildcat was still visibly pissed and wanted to continue. They began talking about some of their favorite games of 2015 and time seemed to fly by as they socialized.

After an hour or so of childish feuding, the car drove up to a gravel driveway. You finally looked around and observed your surroundings closer. You noticed that you all had traveled far away from LA, into the very minuscule country land of California. You couldn't see a house for a few miles away, so you felt a little safe. If Felix were trying to locate you, it's going to be hard for him now that you were far away from the city.

The car drove up to a two story light blue house. It was a weird mix of modern and traditional, but it still looked gorgeous and it all came together surprisingly well. The car went into the attached garage and the engine had stopped once the van was inside.

"Woo! We're finally home!" Exclaimed Basically from the back.

"I've had to pee for half an hour now..." H2O Delerious whimpered.

You silently watched them all run into the house with excitement, and you hardly noticed Evan still seated in the driver's seat. The van seat creaked lightly as you began to make your way towards the doors, but you stopped after you noticed Evan. You demanded answers; your head was I still spinning at the thought of everything.

"Um, Vanoss? I had a question..." you whispered so he could barely hear you.

"Just call me Evan, if you want," he replied. You nodded and blushed slightly.

"Ok. I just wanted to know... Why I'm the one that he needs," despite your use of indirect nouns, he knew exactly who you were talking about.

"You see, he doesn't have a "number one fan" in his fandom. It's kinda spread, so he has targeted his rival's biggest fan," he stated.

"What does that have to do with my question?" you sheepishly whispered.

"It's because I am his rival, and my biggest fan is you (y/n)."

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