He's Here

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Everyone went to bed that night still hyped. Most of them didn't go to bed until it was 2 in the morning. What also kept them up was having too much soda that night.

You, on the other hand, slept soundly. It was a long day, so you appreciated the sleep while it lasted.

Evan tossed and turned in his white bed. He could hear Delerious across the hall, and Nogla in the room next to him. They were too excited to sleep, so Evan was about ready to go and kick their asses.

"If those bastards don't shut up, I swear they will regret it," he whispered under his breath. He took a pillow and put it over his ear to attempt to muffle the noise at least a little bit. He finally was able to pass out at 3 or 4 am.


That morning was kind of slow. They had some pancakes, made by Nogla of course, and they sat around and pretty much relaxed all morning.

"Hm. Anything interesting on TV?" Tyler asked as he walked in the living room. You, Evan, Mark, and Craig were relaxing on the couch staring blankly at the screen.

"Nope. You have anything specific you wanna watch?" Evan asked as he tossed the remote to Tyler.

"Not really," he said as he caught the remote.

Evan was about to say something, when an alarm went off.

"You burn something in there, Nogla?" Tyler yelled into the kitchen.

"Guys! That's not the smoke detector! That's the house alarm system!" Nogla frantically yelled as he came into the room.

"He must've found us..." Evan mumbled, mystified.

"EVERYONE IN THE BASEMENT NOW!" Tyler yelled throughout the house as everyone went down the basement. You stayed with Evan, who waited until everyone was safely downstairs. He quickly grabbed your hand and led you down.

"Everyone grab weapons! Mark, you and I will go into the safe room with (y/n). Quickly everyone!" Evan barked orders at the guys as they scrabbled to ready themselves.

Evan and Mark walked you over to a large steel door with numerous locks along the left side of it. They opened the door and let you in first. It was a small room, with extra weapons and a ripped up couch. It was kind of like a bomb shelter.

Evan and Mark grabbed some guns and a few grenades, while you cowered in the corner. You had no idea how he found you, and you were scared of the outcome of this fight. They have no idea what they're up against, or how prepared he came. But they all know one thing: Felix won't go down without a fight.

"Put this on, just in case," Evan handed you a bulletproof vest. You reluctantly put it on, scared out of your mind. Evan looked down into your (e/c) eyes, and had sympathy for you. He could see the clear fear across your face. He reached to you and pulled you into a tight embrace. He lightly rubbed his hand along your head, trying to soothe your worries away.

"It's ok. I promise I'll fight with all my strength to protect you," he whispered close to your ear. You let out a deep sigh, and hugged him back.


There were loud noises coming from upstairs. Every once and a while, a loud boom shook the house, and your grip on Evan's hand tightened. You sat on the couch by Evan, while Mark stood by the door, gun in hand and prepared to shoot anyone who came into the door. They had locked the door, but the locks were kind of old, so they knew that Felix could break them with the right tools.

All at once, the loud noises upstairs stopped all together. You and Evan looked up, confused. That had either meant we defeated Felix, or our fight was far from over. We heard the basement door creak open slowly, and someone came down the stairs.

A knock on the door made you shiver. You, Evan, and Mark had no idea who was on the opposite end, and you felt like you didn't want to know.

Through the deathly silence, a beep began. Evan looked at the door, and then had a look of fear on his face.

"Guys get down!" He yelled as he realized what the noise was. He laid his body over you, and Mark ran over and ducked in the corner.


Smoke rose everywhere and debris flew. You coughed as you looked up, and saw a figure standing in the smoke. It was the person you never wanted to see.

"Hello again," Felix smirked as Evan and Mark stood, prepared to shoot him.

"Take another step and we'll blow your brains out!" Evan yelled. Felix just released an evil chuckle.

"Glad to see you again too, Vanoss," he mischievously smiled. He ran out and Mark and Evan followed behind. You stayed downstairs as they followed him through the garage. He got into his car, and they shot at his car as he sped away. They broke the back window, and left bullet holes all over his truck.

They came back down in defeat. They didn't mean to let him get away.

"Is everyone ok?" You stood from the couch worried. Mark and Evan exchanged glances and they went back up to check on their friends. You followed them and looked around. Everyone was scattered everywhere, and some were more injured than others. They had found and took care of everyone who was in dire need of assistance, except Nogla. No one knew where he was. You requested to look for him, and Mark joined you as Evan took care of the other's wounds.

You both went behind the house and found Nogla. He was laying on the ground, blood flowing from his stomach region.

"Nogla!" Tears rolled down your face as you saw the Irish man laying almost unconscious in the grass. You ran to him and knelt down, and Mark followed behind you with bandages and medicine.

"H-hey. He got me pretty good, eh," he whispered with a little smile. Mark quickly got to wrapping up his wound, taking off his shirt and applying the bandage directly on the wound.

You took Nogla's hand in yours and squeezed it gently.

"I'm glad you're ok," you weakly smiled at him as another tear rolled down your cheek.

"I wasn't going to let him win so easily," he mumbled in response. You laughed a little at his comment, while Mark finished wrapping him up.

"Here, take some pain killers," he tossed the bottle to Nogla and he took two slowly. Mark grabbed Nogla under his arms and you took him by his legs and helped lead him into the house. The guys ran over to help their hurt friend, and you stood to watch.

Your hands came up to your chest, still breathing heavily. So much happened today, and it all could've ended badly.


Sorry for the lack of creative names. They're mostly spoilers for the most part. I try though. Thanks for reading!

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