Chapter 22

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Chapter 22 DNA test please

I ring the door bell for my house and wait patiently for someone to come open it.

“You sure you want to do this”

“Positive” Eddie says

“No point asking now, you’ve rung the door bell” Megan tells me

“I thinks she knows that ” Eddie says in his sarcastic voice, I hear footsteps coming to the door and Noah answers the door

“Oh hey Fanny”

“Get lost Noah” I tell him and he walks off, I turn around to Megan and Eddie “See how I rule things around here” I turn back around to get drenched with water “Noah you little dick!”

“Sorry sis my water slipped” he sniggers at me and runs off  probably to his disgusting room, I can hear giggles behind me

“Are you okay Fran?” Megan says

“Does it look like I’m okay?” I tell her and stomp to my room, to change in dry clothes and dry my hair a little. I come back down to see Megan and Eddie standing in the same spot

“You going to stand there with the front door open all day or come in” I ask both of them, Eddie shuts the door and comes up next to me

“I’m a bit scared”

“I don’t think she’ll bite” I say to him “Come on let’s go to the living area” they both follow me to the living area and I open the door reluctantly

“Hey Franny!” Stephanie says to me and I run to her

“How was India?” I ask

“I didn’t go because Elijah was doing stuff!” she says

“I know babe but I had to be here with my aunty and uncle” Elijah says, Megan and Eddie walk in then and sit on the seats across from us “Hey Ed, how are you doing?”

“Yeah I’m good now, I’ve learnt my lesson” Eddie says he better of learnt it!

“Eddie? Is that the same Eddie who beat up your boyfriend Fran?” Stephanie says

“Ex- boyfriend and yes” I say proudly


“Cheated on me with Melody Coleman”

“Seriously!” Megan screams “And you didn’t think to tell me!”

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