Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

“Oh my head” I say waking up, in a bed that’s not familiar. Where am I? I look to my side and Eddie is there lying next to me, Oh god please don’t say I did it with him after all. I look down the duvet, I still have my dress on, phew! “Eddie, wake up.” I nudge him, he doesn’t move “Eddie!” I shout in his ear.

“Huh?” he turns to face me, his face lights up “Oh are you all right?” he says, stretching his arms as he sits up.

“What happened last night?” I say to him

“You tell me, I was a bit tipsy last night but not absolutely wasted. Like you were and it looked liked you took drugs.” His eyebrows going up, I took drugs, yes I did but only a little.

“Where’s Megan?!” I say alerted

“I couldn’t find her, when I saw Marceline with that gun. I ran to found you guys, you passed out in my arms and I quickly tried to carry you into Brad’s car that I hotwired. Then I heard the gun shot so I drove off with you. After that I made an anonymous phone call to the emergency services and told them to bring police and ambulance. Don’t know what happened after, hopefully everyone is all right.” I listened thoroughly to what Eddie said and I got up out of his bed and made my way to the door. “Where you going?”

“I have to go home to change and then I’m going to Megan’s house to check if she’s okay.” I tell him, I feel a bit queasy so I steady myself on his Chester draws.

“You can’t go out like that.”

“I have to because-“ I threw up on his carpet, oh crap. He got up and rushed me to his unsuited bathroom, he held my hair back while I threw up all my pride. Well this is great isn’t it throwing up in your boyfriends bathroom and only just thrown up in his bedroom. “I’m so sorry Ed”

“shush” and I carried on until I think all my guts were actually gone! “You finished”

“I think so” he flushes the toilet and guides me back to his bed.

“Lie down for now, I’ll go get you some water.” He helped me lie down and then side stepped my sick. I’m so ashamed, how could I have gotten myself into this state? Oh I know just because of stupid Sean and his list well I think I did them all.

“YOU HAPPY NOW SEAN!” I shout to thin air, where’s my purse? I look to the side of me where a bed side table is and lying there is my purse. I pick it up and open it to search for my phone. Once I have it, I dial Megan’s number.

“Hello Megan Duff patient of Queenly Hospital phone.”

“Megan Duff is in hospital!”

“Yes who is this speaking?”

“Her best friend, what happened to her?”

“She was shot at a party last night” I gasped, Megan was shot. I could feel tears rolling down my face.

“I have to go thanks for telling me!” and I hang up before the she could say anything else. I realised I was shaking with anger, this was that bitch Marceline’s fault and she will pay if Megan dies! Eddie walks in with a glass of water.

“What’s happened? Why are you crying?” he says strolling other to me and consoling me.

“Megan’s in hospital, she got shot by Marceline.” I say trying to keep from having an emotional melt down in front of Eddie.

“Oh no, is she all right?”

“I don’t know all I know is she is in hospital.”

“We’ll go and see her in the afternoon okay” he says brushing my hair

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