Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 New Boy

I entered my sit next to my best friend Megan; thank goodness I wasn’t late!

“Hey!” she called from her seat

“Hi Meg”

“Way to go, you’re not late again!”

“I know, I would off died if I had to go to detention!”

“Have you heard about the new boy?” Megan says whilst applying more pink lipstick on

“No, is he cute?!”

“He is delicious more like!”

“His not food Megan”

“No, wait to you see him! His over there!” she pointed to the far end of the class and there I saw him, dark hair flopped over his unusual purple eyes, a built body and some gorgeous lips!

“Oh he’s a hottie all right!”

“I know!”She squealed “I spy a Sean coming over here!” Sean! My boyfriend since Year 7 and were still going strong as he likes to say.

“Hey, Fran!”

“Hey Sean” he kissed me and the whole form whopped, like they haven’t seen me and Sean kiss!

“You ready for the exams next Tuesday”

“Sure, I think”

“You are going to ace it babe, I just know you are!”

“I know you are going to as well” Sean and I are at the top of our class we always get the highest scores, I just hope that’s going to happen for GCSE’s.

“Good morning!” our form teacher came in and sat at her desk “Did you all have a good weekend?”

“I know I did!” Oh who could that be, let me guess the girl who is a stuck up snob, Melody Coleman! “I spent the weekend in Wales, it was so wonderful! I shopped and even brought something for you miss”

“Really, that’s very nice Melody! Leave it on my desk after form; I’m going to do the register now so everyone be quiet!”

“Melody Coleman”


“Megan Duff”

“Here” and so on and so on, I was waiting to hear the new boy’s name, Megan nudged me!


“Your name Franny” I turned to Miss Walters she was waiting for me to answer

“I’ll say it again Francesca Mar...”

“HERE! Sorry Miss Walters, I’ve got my head in the clouds!”

“Well get it out and answer your name on time next time!” Melody sneered with her loser group! No life!

“Eddie Marine”

“Here” I looked to the far corner where the new boy was sitting; it was him who said here! So that was his name then, nice name! Finally, Miss Walters finished the register.

“Class! I forgot to tell you that we have a new addition to our form! Welcome Eddie to our school!” everyone looked at him including me, we waited to see what he was going to say.

“Thanks I guess” he says so coolily, wow he is great!

“Francesca since Eddie is in your GCSE group I want you to show him around! You as well Sean!” all the girls groaned, unlucky for them.

“Wow, you’re going to be the first girl he gets to know I’m so jealous” Megan whispered to me

“Don’t worry Meg, I’ll make sure he gets to know you” I whisper back, I make my way to where Eddie is sitting!

“Hi Eddie, I’m Francesca but everyone calls me Franny or Fran but you can call me whatever you prefer” I give him my hand to shake, he shakes it. Sean comes up to introduce himself as well.

“Hello Eddie, I’m Sean!” he gives his hand to shake but Eddie doesn’t shake it.

“Okay” Sean moves his hand away, well that was weird

“Are you two like the clever ones of the class?” Eddie asked

“Yes we are especially Fran!” I smile at Sean

“I hate those kind of people” I turn towards him shocked, now he hates me, damn my brain!

“So you hate us!” Sean says

“You but not the girl!” The girl, how dare he! But it’s good to know he doesn’t hate me!

“Dude, what did I ever do to you!”

The bell rang and it was time to go to Maths!

“Nothing it’s just I don’t like you!” I could tell Sean was getting angry so I decided to cut in!

“Eddie why don’t I show you to our class, you know what you have right?”


“Okay let’s go then” I lead Eddie out of our form; he was beside me while Sean was behind us scowling at Eddie.

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