Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 it’s over

“Francesca is that you!” I turned around to see Sean

“Sean!” I ran down to him and leap up on him, good thing he caught me!

“What are you doing with Eddie Marine?” he said while putting me down

“We went out for a drink with Megan” I say “She really likes him!” I whisper and giggle

“Oh right so where’s Megan now?” Sean says sternly

“Err well she lives in the opposite direction”

“So does Eddie!” oh right, so why was Eddie walking the long way to his house “Don’t you see baby! He is trying to steal you away from me!”

“I’m just going to go on ahead Fran! Catch you later” Eddie shouts from above

“No stay there” I shout back

“No go, she doesn’t want you here anywhere in fact!” Sean shouts

“You’re insane Sean, Eddie doesn’t like me! Just go home, I’ll call you” I begin to walk

“No” and Sean grabs my arm

“Get off your hurting me Sean!”

“If you go to him it’s over”

“Then I guess it’s over” and I release myself from his grasp and slap him in his face and I run back to Eddie

“Are you okay Franny?” Eddie asks

“Fine, let’s get away from here” I look back and see Sean just standing there looking at me and Eddie walking off until he comes out of view.

“Did he hurt you because I can go back there and..?”


“Okay then”

“Just tell me who your crush is” I finally burst out

“Isn’t it obvious?”

“Huh? Me is it me!” he bends over laughing his head off

“No way! You’re like my best friend, it’s Megan alright”

“Seriously, but you said”

“I know what I said but I just didn’t want to tell anyone yet”

“Okay I get it” I’m scared now because if Megan and Eddie get together I’m going to lose my best friends and then who will I be left with, oh yeah no one!


“See you later”

“Bye” I put my key through the door and I’m soon being rushed up into my bedroom and the door firmly shut

“What the hell?”

“SHUSH” Hannah says in a loud whisper

“What is this about?”

“I was waiting for you to come home so I could show you this” she opened back the door and tip toed down the hall to the twins’ bedroom, Why? I do not know, she motioned me to put my ear to the wall so I did! Oh god, you don’t even want to know what I heard.

“Oh my gosh, which twin?”

“NOAH” she said again in a loud whisper

“What are you two doing?” we whipped around to see Micah and a girl standing there

“You are coming to join the sex party as well!”


“Huh” Micah looks very confused

“Noah’s having sex!” I say

“We should inform mom straight away!” Micah says panicking

“Cool it little bro!” Hannah says “Who’s your girlfriend anyway”

“This is Ruth”

“Hi Ruth” I say

“Never mind introducing” and she whips the door open

“Hey guys” Noah says from behind us “What are you doing?”  We look into the room and nobody is in there, just the normal stuff the twins have but they’re window is open!

“You’re very clever aren’t you Noah, but we know what you were doing?” Hannah answers

He rolls his eyes and sticks his tongue out!

“This is no playful matter Noah, it’s disgusting and naughty!” I say sternly

“It’s natural okay and anyway you can’t tell mom and dad because you have no proof! This is Aria bye”

“You better off had been doing it on your bed Noah!” Micah says and shrugs his shoulder at us two and walks into his room with Ruth.

“What we going to do about it then?” I say

“Nothing we can do now” Hannah walks back to my room and hops onto my bed “Who’s the new boyfriend then?”

“Eddie isn’t my boyfriend; he’s just a good friend”

“Where’s Sean then?”

“Gone!” I burst out crying because it’s just dawned on me right this minute, me and Sean are over for good after five years, I guess he was right after all, everything comes to an end!

“Don’t worry Franny, they’ll be plenty more until you know which one is the right one, look at me for incidence, plenty of them!” she hugs me and pulls me to my bed “Dry you’re tears now and don’t cry over that ass!” I laugh, I love Hannah when she is here, and she reminds me of Stephanie, speaking of Stephanie

“How is Stephanie? Do you know anything?”

“Louise is in big trouble and has moved out but I haven’t heard any news of Stephanie lately or Elijah”

“Do you talk to Elijah on regular bases or something?” Louise has moved out well good riddance after what she said to Steph I don’t think I can ever forgive her.

“No, he really broke my heart! I thought he was the one and only, the person I was going to marry but I was only kidding myself because he went to a slut called Ashley and then he finally married someone wow! That was a shocker when I heard Elijah Williams had married someone and for all the people it was Stephanie who was with his brother for like a decade!”

“What a story”

“Have you eaten then?”

“No just drank some coffee”

“There’s pizza downstairs”

“Okay I’ll go and get some”

“I’m going back to Finn’s place with Brooke so you won’t see me tomorrow”

“Okay, see you whenever then”

 I make my way to the kitchen and see papa john’s boxes everywhere, I pick up most until I find one that feels heavy.

“You alright darling” my mom comes to hug me and yawns

“Mom you didn’t have to wake up for me, I know you have an early start tomorrow!”

“Oh yes I did, to make sure you got in safe and sound” she kissed my hair “Oh Fran, when the last time you washed your hair”

“About three days ago, does it smell that bad?” I take my thick brown hair and smell it, ergh smells like a mixture of my berry yummy shampoo and cigarettes!

“I’ll wash it tonight and do some revision after”

“Good girl” my mom takes out a glass and fills it up with tap water “How is Sean doing?”

“Sean and I have broke up” I say while taking a bite out of my cold pepperoni pizza


“It’s complicated, talk to you tomorrow! Have a long night ahead of me” I put the half eaten pizza down and kiss my mom goodnight.

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