Chapter 7

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Chapter 7  disaster dinner

I tucked into my dinner which was beef, roast potatoes, vegetables and rice! It was so lovely and it looked like everyone was enjoying themselves as well!

“So Ty who is this lovely lady right here” my dad asked

“She is my fiancé Tara” We all was shocked, but soon after congratulated them

“Marriage is a wonderful thing to enjoy” my mother said looking at my dad from across the table

“Get a room” Louise said, everyone laughed

“Hannah who is this gentleman here” Hannah looked to her boyfriend

“I’m Finn and we are getting married as well”

“Oh wow who else is getting married! Sean and Francesca!” I looked up from my plate of food who said that

“Whoever said that were definitely not getting married anytime soon”

“Yeah because Franny has to revise for the rest of her life!” I did an uncomfortable smile, why was Sean being like this; I thought he said he understood

“I said that I understand, not that I was happy with it” he whispered into my ear, like he just read my thoughts

“Trouble in paradise” Stephanie said while laughing into her wine

“Don’t you think you’ve had a bit too much to drink Stephanie?”

“No, Louise I don’t”

“Well you have, please Elijah control your wife” whoa did Louise think Steph was going to take it lightly!

“Listen to me carefully Louise, you are not my mother go and be a better mother to that horrible child of yours” my jaw dropped! What was going on with these two? “End of conversation”

“No, it’s finished when I say it is” Stephanie said nothing, you could tell that Louise was getting agitated “Well at least I wasn’t so vulnerable and got raped!” wow that was low even for Louise, Stephanie, looked hurt and ashamed.

“I hate you Louise Mare!” Stephanie ran out of the dining room crying

“That is so low of you Louise!” Elijah said whilst running after Stephanie

“LOUISE! In the kitchen NOW!” my mom said and left the dining room, Louise then left the table.

This was the worst dinner ever!

 “I think it’s time for Sean to leave, Francesca lead Sean to the door”

“Yes Dad” I got up and pushed my chair in, I could hear shouting from the kitchen mostly from my mom. Sean and I exited the room and walked down the stairs to the front door.

“I hope Steph will be all right”

“So do I, I don’t know what is going on with them two, they’re normally best friends”

“Well everything ends sometimes” what was that supposed to mean?

“Is that referring to us” he put his shoes on and then got his coat and puts it on.

“I got to go and revise” and he exited the house.

“Wait Sean! Don’t just walk out on me like this”

“Francesca come help clean up” my dad called from upstairs, I looked up and ran out of the house to catch up to Sean, I wasn’t go to let him go and anyway I set the table!

“Sean!”  He was gone, I’ll ring him later

“Hello Francesca” I turned around, it was Eddie he was smiling like a chestier cat, I crossed my arms

“What are you doing here?”

“I was going for walk, I live on Witten Road”

“Really” I said sarcastically, he rolled his eyes “I have to go and clean up”

“Why did you come out here then?”

“I was trying to catch up to Sean”

“Why is he angry with you?”

“How do you know his angry with me?”

“He would of waited for you right” he had a smile on his face, why is he smiling, he is definitely a weird guy.

“I wouldn’t...” Then I realised who I was speaking to “It’s personal”

“You wouldn’t have sex with him basically”

“What!” How did he know? “You are the weirdest person I’ve ever met”

“Just because I know things” I tried to read Eddie Marine, I’m normally good at it but this guy was a mystery to me. “You want to have a drink some time tomorrow”

“Sure but on one condition you tell me everything about you?” I know it’s a pretty rough condition but I want to get to know him. As a friend of course because my boyfriend is Sean.

“Fine but the same for you”

“Deal” we shook hands on it “wait your suspended”

“Did you know school finishes? And there is actually a life afterwards!” he said sarcastically

“Whatever see you after school! Meet me at the school gates”

“Alright” and the mystery boy walked down the road; soon I’ll know who you really are Eddie Marine

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