Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 a series of events before dinner

Stephanie and I go to the dining room, to set the table.

“Where are the plates and cutlery and all that?”

“Let’s go in the kitchen” I exclaim, why couldn’t mom just leave the dinner stuff on the table? We walk through the doors that are in the dining room to enter the kitchen. Dinner smells delicious, I love when Mom and Dad cook together, food is always scrumptious!

“Mom where are the plates?”

“Oh in the dishwasher, Roberto help the girls take it out”

“Okay sweetie” my dad walked to the dishwasher and helped take all the plates and cutlery and glasses out.

“How was school Franny?” my dad asked me

“Why don’t you just ask Peter?” I mumbled

“What was that?”

“Nothing, school was great, everything is great” Stephanie laughed, she ruins everything, why couldn’t she just be quiet!

“Stephanie, do you know something that I don’t know?”

“No Roberto” she laughed out, my dad looked cross “Okay, I’m sorry Fran” she glanced over to me “Sean got suspended”

“Excuse me”

Peter! Suspended him”

“What do you mean Peter suspended Sean?”

“He is her new head teacher” Stephanie exclaimed, Dad didn’t say a word from then on; he just helped us set the table and went back into the kitchen. Oh no this is bad!

“Why are there sixteen plates?” Stephanie said

“It should only be thirteen”

“No it should be fifteen”

“Huh?” I was confused

“Oh Hannah’s boyfriend’s coming over and Ty’s girlfriend but what is the extra one for?” my mom walked through the door, happy as a bunny, I like seeing my mom happy it makes me happy too!

“Mom why are there sixteen plates?”

“Sean is having dinner with us tonight”

“When was this?” dammit I forgot to tell Sean that he was invited to dinner “I forgot to ask him”

“Don’t worry your father  just rung his house, I knew you would forget” she set the peas down on the table as well as the roast potatoes! And went back into the kitchen.

“I know what this is. A confrontation, my dad is going to pressure Sean into telling him what happened at school and then I can’t be with him anymore!” I slumped into one of the chairs; Stephanie pulled one out and sat on it!

“Don’t worry about it babes!” she hugged me; Louise would never do this she would say pick the right one next time. The bell rung I was guessing that it was Sean.

“I’ll get it!” I shouted and ran down three staircases, I opened the door


“Are you alright? Come in” he came in and took of his shoes and coat

“I’m fine; it’s just do your parents know that I’ve been suspended”

“Just my dad” he looked nervous

“Well my dad doesn’t”

“Why not?! You’re going to be in big trouble when he realises”

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