Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 Moving on

I handed in my paper and walked out with Brad, as we were coming out Sean was in front of us, his face was in shock when he saw who was next to me!

“Brad, hey mate”

“Bye Francesca” he says to me and walks off

“Hey babe.”

“Oh hey, have you seen Melody around?”

“No, why?”

“Just thinking you would know, after all she is your girlfriend!” I shouted in his face

“You can’t believe Brad, he makes rumours up!”

“Sure he does, have a good life Sean!” I pushed passed him and walked to form, my schedule was done for the day, whilst going up the stairs I got a text from Sean

Baby please forgive me, it was a mistake! I love you and I need you xxx

I deleted his number from my contacts, goodbye Sean. When I entered form Marceline was in my seat reading some Goth magazine.

“Oh hey Fran, you ready to tell me!”

“Do whatever you want to Sean, I don’t give one! Now move!” immediately she got up out of my seat and went out of form, her timetable must still be going on. I decided to revise for my other maths exam, half a hour later Eddie strolled in, smiling as always!


“Why do you think me and you are still best of friends?”

“Why wouldn’t we be?” actually that was a good question however I did have a good excuse

“Because you tried to make a move on me.”

“You could of said no and we’d be fine right now but as always you make everything so much more dramatic! By the way like your fringe, it came out nice”


“So we friends now”


“Shake on it”

“No” he nudged his head at this hand and I couldn’t resist, I shook on it

“Also, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Sean and Melody”

“You knew!”

“Everyone did except for you and Megan! It was at a party on one of the Fridays you were in hospital, everyone saw them kissing under a tree.”

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