I miss you...

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Meghan's POV: 2 weeks have passed, and everyone has been saying I haven't been looking to good lately, I really haven't I can say so myself, can't even barley eat sometimes I just don't eat for 2 days straight. I have lost some pounds sense me and Charlie had that fight. I was thinking today I might go out with Scarlett and maybe get to know her. I called lukes phone to see if Scarlett would like to chill and come hangout. I dial the number , he picked up really quick, um.. Hello I said, *hi* is this Scarlett? *No this is her mother*. Oh.. Sorry to bother you miss, I was wonder if I could speak to Scarlett? *sure hold on dear* ok. Hello? Hi Scarlett! Hi Um who is this?? It's me Meghan the girl you meet from that fight that happened 2 weeks ago. Oh Yeaa Meghan!!
Hi how are you she said. I'm good ( I lied) well I was wonder if you didn't have any plans maybe you would like to hangout? Omg sure!! I would love too. Great I said ,
ok see you in 10 minutes she said ok I said. And I hung up. I went to my closet and put on something quick to put on.
Charlie's POV:I make some pancakes for myself and watch TV and was on Twitter and Instagram, every post Meghan made I would like it but she would never do the same to me... Damn I said to myself I have fucked up really bad.I didn't even care about the suffer video anymore all I wanted was Meghan back into my arms and safe with me. Madison on the other hand has been texting me like crazy I just have been ignoring them. She showed up one day this week asking if I wanted to see a movie with her I just lied and said I was busy so she could get out of my face.
I lay down on the couch and took a nap...
Meghan's POV: i heard a knock at the door, i opened it and saw it was Scarlett, Meghan!!!! She said happily, hey Scarlett, Come on in, she sits down on the couch and she asked SOOO Meghan how's life? Not good... I said, aww Meghan why??? Well you remember that fight, yea I got that whole thing on video Scarlett says smiling, um.. Yea well remember that boy with a towel wrapped around his waist? ya he was smoken hot!!, Scarlett said. Meghan giggled. Well me and him are friends but I don't even know if we are still, I say trying to hold the tears back. Aww poor Meghan, Scarlett says. Well um I don't want you to be alone anymore, hey! Maybe we could have a girls night! Scarlett suggested. I looked up at her and said you mean like a sleepover right?. I asked. Yea something like that she said. Umm.. Ok I said. YAY! This is going to be so much fun and I hug Meghan tightly. Oh my gosh I said why are you always so happy?, I asked, well first of all your a pop star by the way my niece loves you, and I just like your presence Meghan she said smiling. Aww thanks Scarlett, please call me CAT she told me. Uh ok I said, hey we should paint our nails first I suggested, yea good idea I'll do your first cat said.
Charlie's POV: i wake up and I see its night time. Wow! I have been asleep all day long, I said to myself. Ever since me and meg had that big blow up I have been very down lately and I needed to get out the house. All my friends were probably all at a party getting drunk and I wasn't up for that. I walk outside on my front step to get some fresh air, I see Luke across the street, he notices me and waves. He comes running over Ohhh.. Great I said to myself. What up man! Luke says, hey man I said. How ya been he asked, not that good I told him. Oh why?? What's wrong? Remember like 2 weeks ago when Meghan and that other girl was fighting, ya of course I remember it was so awesome! He said. Yea well not really cause now Meghan doesn't even wanna talk to me anymore. Really why? He asked. It's a very long story I said, oh ok I totally understand he said. Well I just wanted to know if you were alright cause I haven't seen you ever since that day, he said. Yea I've been fine I said but still lieing. We continue to talk while the sun goes down, till I look past his shoulder and I see theses girls come walking up to us, I couldn't believe my eyes it was Meghan! And Lukes sister.
Meghan's POV: After me and cat painted our toe nails, cat wanted to go back to her place so she could go get some extra clothes and stuff. When we arrived, cat says hey! Look Lukes talking to That boy you use to hand out with. What's his name? His name is "Charlie" I said. I like that name she says. Oh I said quietly. Hey we should go say hi! She say. NO! I said loudly. Aww why Meghan? Cause I just don't wanna talk to him. Please Meghan it be really quick. I look at her and i finally agreed to go. We got out the car and we walked towards Charlie's house, my heart was racing really fast. Cat yells HI CHARLIE!!! I just look down and try to pretend that I'm not be there. Meghan come on she says grabbing my arm, when we walk up to him Luke says what are you guys doing here? Oh well me and Meghan are going to have a girls night, it's pretty much like a sleepover she says explaining. The whole time I can see Charlie looking at me not even caring what cat was saying, I just tried to not make eye contact with him. After cat stopped talking she said are you ready to go now? I said yea. Ok Luke says to us, wait! I here Charlie say, I turn around and he grabs my arm and pulls me aside. My heart is really beating super fast than it was before, he whispers to me " how come you haven't answered my phone calls or text messages?"He asked. Cause I don't want to talk to you, yea but you are now he says, I try to walk away but he grabs my arm very tight. He looks me in the eyes and says "Meghan please I need you" no you don't if you needed me you would have picked me instead of that bitch ass Madison I told him. Listen I'm sorry I was not thinking please Meghan give me another chance I need your presence in my life he says. Still holding my arm tight I can feel his body starting to shake. I can see tears forming in his eyes, I look back at cat where she's just standing there with a shocked look on her face. I look back at Charlie, he now has tears in his cheeks, Charlie let me go I whispered to him. He shakes his head saying no. I try to get out of his grip, then he pulls my whole body towards him, and he holds me very tight. He whispers in my ear " I'm not letting go till you accept my apology....

Aww this is so sweet I really think Charlie really likes Meghan but I think more than a friend. Well I mean come on they already had sex twice, but we will see in the next chapter, love y'all TTYL💖💖✌️

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