A nightmare all over AGAIN..

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Meghan's POV:
I wasn't sure to reply to the unknown message, I know I shouldn't but, I'm going to because I wanna know who it is!

I type back:
Who is this?
I wait a couple of minutes to see if they reply.. But they didn't, so I get up off the couch,
Im going to go across the street real quick to talk to Zoe, I said to Charlie.
Ok, he said

I walk across the street,
I step up to the door step and i knock on the door,

Nobody came to the door so I knocked again,

Finally after waiting for 2 minutes at the door, some body came to the door.
It was Zoe.
Hey can I talk to you?
Sure come on in she says.
How come it took you forever to come to the door? I ask.
I was taking a nap,
'Oh I'm sorry, should I come back later? I said.

No it's fine you can stay it's just me here she said.
Oh.. Ok I say.
'We both sit down on the couch'
So what's up? She says.
Well I just got this weird text message for this unknown number... I said showing her my phone.
"She reads the message"

Wow that's creepy.. Who do you think it is?
I don't know?,
I know it's not Madison, and I know it's not Scarlett pranking me.

Wait a sec, who was that boy that was over here yesterday?
Oh it was some guy that was asking us about some boy that use to live here before us.
'Well Scarlett and her brother use to live here. I said. What did he look like? I ask.

Well he had dark brown hair, I barely could see what his eyes looked like, but he did have like this very deep voice..

I sat there with a shocked face..
Did he tell you his name?
He said his name was "Jonas"

I didn't even know what to do.. I could feel my heart drop in my chest.

You ok Meg? You look a little pale Zoe says.
Yea I'm fine it's just that.. I know your not going to believe what I'm about to say but..
I know Jonas..

Aww really! That so cool! She says.
ZOE!! No it's not he has been to kill me for the longest.
WHOA! Really?

Well he didn't ask for you,
He was just looking for Scarlett.
Where is she anyways?

'Oh she went back to Texas,
Aww really...why???
Oh well it's a very long story. But me Scarlett and Charlie went to a party, I didn't even want to go but they literally dragged me there.
But anyways Madison and Scarlett got in a little argument and then I just got out of hand, and then it turned into a fist fight.

Wow! Really?? That's crazy.
Yea I know!
Oh my gosh who won?
Haha really?
Yes really! Who won?
I'm not sure but i think it was Scarlett that won.
Haha your so crazy I say.

So what are you going to do now?
I don't know? I just hope he doesn't come after me!
Yea me too Zoe says.

All of a sudden we hear a knock at the door. We both look at the front door,
I get up to open it.
And what I saw was like a living nightmare all over again!.....

I can't believe 2,000 people are reading my book!! I'm so happy!
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Thank you guys SO much!!!!🙏🏽💖
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