Beach love

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Meghan's POV:
The next morning I got up out of the bed,
Charlie was still asleep next to me. I walked into Lexi's room.

Good morning my beautiful daughter!! I say whispering.

She was actually on her computer.

Hey what are you doing up so early?

'It's only 8 in the morning..

And I think that's too early for a cutie like you!
You need your beauty sleep.

Anyways what are you looking at?

'' I walk over to her computer.

Oh I was just looking at something...

What is it?

Look! she says.

I read it:
Come join the ultimate L.A. beauty pageant!

A beauty pageant? I say confused.

Yea..whats wrong with that?

Well..umm.. Why do you even wanna be in a beauty pageant?

Because I have always wanted to be in one! And I just wanna try it out.

You know being in a beauty pageant is a lot of stress and work!

Yes Meghan I know!
But I really wanna do this.

Are you sure?

I'm begging you.

Ok.. Ok.. Fine! I'll sign you up.


Later that morning...

Charlie's POV:
I walk downstairs to the voice of Lexi and Meghan's laughter.

Hey girl!

Hey!! They both say.

What are you guys doing!

We're making COOKIES!!!
Lexi says excited.

For breakfast?

Of course not!
There're for someone..
Meghan says mixing cookie batter in a bowl.

Ohh.. Well who are they for?

I can't tell you that..Lexi says laughing.

Meghan?? I say.

She starts to laugh, and she continues to mix the bowl.

Lexi is going to be in a beauty pageant.


YEA! I can't wait! Lexi says.

Why do you even wanna be in one? I ask her.

Because I think it might be fun!
And plus I can show all those other girls that I'm the QUEEN of beauty!

That's my girl! Meghan says high fiving Lexi.

So when is the pageant?

It's in about 2 weeks.

Too much love (MARLIE FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now