Adopting lexi!!

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Charlie's POV:
Once we got downstairs
Lexi sat on the couch and continued to color.

I sat next to Meghan and I put my arm around her.

Lexi looks up at us...
Meghan what is a condom?

Meghan looks at me with shock.

Answer her a
Question I said trying not to laugh.

Meghan's POV:
Well it's.. Something that you shouldn't know about right now.. It's for grownups i say.

Ohh.. Well Charlie told me it was candy

No I didn't she said that!

Listen honey just color your picture and don't worry about it!

Ok she says.

1 hour later... (3:22pm)
Charlie's POV:
Meghan lays her head on my shoulder.

Lexi scoots over next to me..
She taps my leg.
Ya? I said.
I made this for you she said.
I looked at the paper..
It was a picture of me and her holding hands.

It was a picture of me and her holding hands

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Thank you Lexi I say  hugging her.

She puts her arm around my stomach and hugs me tightly.

Aww!! Meghan says.

I'm tired..Lexi said
I wanna sleep in your bed she said.

Ok I said, I picked her up and I took her to the bedroom.

I layed her on the bed,
She looked at me and smiled.

What? I said.

Your the best babysitter ever she said closing her eyes.

I smiled and I kissed her forehead.

I went back downstairs and sat on the couch next to Meghan.

She's so sweet I said.
I know right Meghan said.

1 hour later...

There was a knock at the door, I got up to go get it.

It was Mia.
Hey Charlie! She said
Hey.. I said.
Where's Lexi? She asked.
She's upstairs sleep I'll go get her I said, you can come in and sit down while I get her.
Ok she said.

Meghan's POV:
Mia looked at me,
Hi Meghan.
Hey.. I said.
How have you been? She asked
I've been fine I said.
That's great!

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