Pageant madness!

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Meghan's POV:
Saturday morning,

"The next morning I woke up super early, why?
Well because I had to pack all the outfits, and little accessories.

'Charlie was still asleep.

After I packed everything, I put the bens in the hallway.
I had a hour to just relax, before pageant madness starts.

'I slipped on my black and white slippers and walked downstairs.

'I walked outside and took a deep breath, i looked at the view of "Los Angeles".

'I walked outside and took a deep breath, i looked at the view of "Los Angeles"

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I walked over to Ryder's house.

(And I know your like OMG! Don't kiss him!
First of all EW! Second of  I just met him)LoL!!😅

'I knocked on the front door,
Nobody answered so I knocked again.

Finally someone came to the door.

It was "Ryder" and he looked so tired.

Hey.. I said shyly.

"Meghan?? What are you doing here?

Oh ya know I have a big day today, also Lexi.

"Oh.. What are ya doing today?

Lexi is going to be in a beauty pageant.

"Wow really?

Yea! It wasn't my choice, it was hers.

Oh.. Well why are ya here?

Oh well I wanted to talk to you.

Ok..I'm listening.

Ok.. Umm.. Ryder I'm sorry for being such a bitch last night! I promise you I'm not like that, it's just that I was worried sick about Lexi and Sirena! Especially Sirena because she's not even my kid!
But anyways I'm super sorry Ryder..

"It's totally ok, if Jaycee or savannah ever went missing I would totally freak out too.

"So you forgive me?

"Yea of course!

"So umm.. Were  ya sleep?

"Ya I was half asleep.

Oh I'm sorry for disturbing you.

"No it's totally ok Meghan!

Oh.. Ok.. Well I have an hour to spend so I'm just going to be bored, I say.

"You can come in if you want!

Are ya sure? I don't wanna disturb anyone.

It's ok,the kids are already up.

"Wow really it's only 7 in the morning!

Ya! There morning people.

Oh.. I said 'walking in the house.

Too much love (MARLIE FANFIC)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя