Meeting Dallas!

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Meghan's POV: I wake up the next morning and I'm still on top of Charlie.
Charlie wake up I said shaking him. He opened his eyes, yea what's wrong? he said in a really super deep voice.
It's the next day! I said. Ok and.. Charlie said. AND... Scarlett is probably worried sick about me. Oh shit! I totally forgot about her Charlie said. I grab my phone I look at it and all I see is nothing but miss calls from Scarlett. I dialed her number super quick.
Is this Scarlett?
Omg you sound alittle different but anyways I just wanted to let you know I'm ok and there is nothing to be worried about.
*oh it's ok Meg your fine, I was at a insane party last night it was AWSOME! I wish you could've came though*
Well I had better things to do (if you know what I mean)
*haha yea I understand, I got drunk last night it was SOOO crazy! I'm still kinda drunk but guess what!*
*i met a really sweet guy last night*
Aww really! Do you remember his name?
*yea his name is Dallas, and plus he gave me his phone number! And he might come over today so maybe you guys can meet*
Yea sure I'll love to met lil Dallas! I said laughing.
Charlie started to laugh alittle too.
*ok well I have to get dressed I'll see you later*
Ok bye
I hung up the phone and I said I have to go. Wait why? Because I need to go see Scarlett.
Well you can go see her another time he said hugging my waist really tight. Charlie I promise I'll be back later. No you won't he said, Charlie I promise and by the way this can be your chance to finish that song. I'll finish it later but right now all i want to do is make love to you he said kissing my lips softly. I blushed alittle, later I promise I said and I got up and I went to get dressed.
Charlie's POV: l watch Meghan get dressed, I bit my lip a little, I couldn't resist myself around her. She went into the bathroom, all of a sudden I heard a knock at the door, I went to go get it. It was Madison, she was standing there with some short sorts on and a pink tank top. Hey Charlie! She said, hey what are you doing here?
Oh nothing I was just wondering it you wanted to hang out today? Yea sure I have nothing to do. Oh ok she said and she sat on the couch, Meghan walked out where we were.
Oh you just had to call the skank over she said annoyed. excuse me? Madison said. You heard me Meghan said. HEY! We are not doing this today I said breaking up the argument. Well no one asked her to come over Meghan said putting her hair in a high bun. I'm sorry Madison would you like something to drink? Yea sure she said. I got her a bottle of water, well I'm going to go meg said pulling me close and kissing me. Love you she said an walked out the door.
I sat on the couch, SOOO I said. Soo Madison said. We started laughing, so um are you ready to shoot this suffer video finally she said. Oh shit it's today? I said. Yea that's why I'm over her char char she said giggling.
Wow um ok I'll go put something more suitable on. Ok she said.
10 minutes later...
Ok you ready? I said. Yea she said. She got her camera and we started shooting.
5 hours later...
We have have been working on this video all day and I was so hungry.
We were half way done with the video but we both were so tired, Madison already fell asleep on the couch. I sat on the couch with my computer in my hand and I started editing the video...

Meghan's POV: me and Scarlett were sitting on the couch talking and laughing, until there was a knock at the door. It was a tall man with brown hair. Meghan this is Dallas, Dallas this is Meghan. Oh so this is the girl you were telling me about that kept on beating that other girl up. Haha yea Scarlett said laughing, he laughed as well, and omg when he smiled his dimples showed. We three sat on the couch getting to know each other. Dallas was actually a really nice guy he was super sweet. Well I mean me and Charlie are still separated, but I know I can't take Scarlett's little crush. But me and Dallas actually really got to know each other really good. It started getting dark and I promised Charlie I would be back at night Time.
Well I have to get going I said. Aww really why so fast Meggy Dallas said. He made a nickname for me too. I have to get back to my umm.. Boyfriend? He said. Well use to be boyfriend we are just taking a break. Ohh ok Dallas said. Well I guess I'll see you soon meggy, ok you to I said bye guys! Bye they both said and I walked back across the street.
When I got into the house Charlie was on his laptop and the (skank)was on the sofa asleep, hey babe I said Charlie. Hey he said, did you have fun today I said. Yea it was ok he said. Oh well I'm super tired. yea me too he said. I sat next to him and we cuddled on the couch and we feel asleep tonight.

But for some reason I kept on thinking of Dallas that night...😕

Hope you guys enjoyed, make sure to like if you liked this chapter and there will be more chapters to come!
~TTYL 💖😜✌️

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