Walking in..

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Charlie's POV:
I look at Lexi with a slight shocked face.

'She smiles at me..

"Did you just call me dad?

"Yea.. She says with a small giggle.

'We hug each other again..

-2 weeks later-

Meghan's POV:
It was 5:34 in the evening. Lexi and Sirena were in there room playing.

While me and Charlie were in our bedroom.

'Charlie was on his computer doing hospital bills for Sirena.

While I was laying in the bed laying next to him in my phone on social media.

"Ugh... I say groaning.

"What? Charlie says.

"Madison keeps liking my pictures on Instagram..

"Ha.. Maybe she wants you to do the same?

"Eww.. Never!

"Are you still mad at her?

She spit in Scarlett's face! That's just rude, and very disrespect, and then on top of that she called me fake!

"She probably didn't mean it like that...

"Really Charlie? Really??

"Yea.. I guess?

"Just focus on your work! I say looking back at my phone.

"Ha.. Someone seems mad.. I hear Charlie mumble.

"I'm not mad Charlie.. I'm just annoyed.

"Well maybe I can help you relax, he says putting my hair behind my ear.

"I try to ignore him.."

"Aren't you suppose to be working on those hospital bills?

"Yea but I'm almost finished..

'He kisses the side of my face,

"Charlie I don't want them to hear us..

"They won't I promise.

'He hovers over me..
He nibbles on my neck,

I try not to moan but.. A small one escapes.

"Charlie".. I whisper.

'He doesn't say anything, he continues to kiss my neck.

"CHARLIE!! I hear a small voice say.

'Charlie turns around,

I peak behind him, and i see Sirena and Lexi standing in the door way.

"Why are you hurting Meghan? Sirena says.

"Honey I'm not hurting her.. I'm just "umm..

...Never mind that! But anyways what do you girls need?

"We want ice cream!

"I don't think we have anymore.

"Well can we go get ice cream?

'Charlie turns his body back to me , I look at her, she looks back at me.

"Ok yea sure! Just give us a minute girls.. He say,

"Ok! They say giggle and
Running back to the room.

Charlie's POV:
I roll off of Meghan, I lay on the bed with my hands covering my face.

"Well that went amazing... Meghan says in a sarcastic way.

'I look over at her.

"I can't believe that just happened.. I say.

"Yea I know! It literally could have been worse..
We could have been naked..

"Yea.. That would have been worser.

I get up out of the bed, I put my laptop under the bed.

'I walk into my closet and I change my shirt.

"You coming? I ask Meghan.

"No it's ok I'll stay here!

"Alright, we'll do you want anything?

"Yea can you get me some cotton candy ice cream please!


'I put my shoes on and I grab my car keys, I walk over to where Meghan was, I kiss her on the lips.

"We'll finish later.. I whisper to her.

'She starts to blush

I walk out of the room.

"Come on girls! I say.

They both come walking out of the room.

'We walk downstairs and we get into the car and drive off.

Meghan's POV:
5 minutes later...

I layed in the bed on my phone.

All of a sudden I hear a knock at the door.

'I jump out of bed and run downstairs.

I look through the peep hole, it was a person with a black hoodie on.

'I was kinda scared to open it but the person looked familiar.

'I open the door slowly,

The person looks up,

"OH HELL NAWW... I say out loud.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!im sorry that I haven't been really writing that much, I'm actually reading other marlie books.

My 2 favorites right now are
•Marlies anatomy
you have the right to remain silent.

I really like these books a lot!

Today's question is...
Who do you think is at the door?

Leave it in the comments below 👇

So ya!!

Love YALL🎀


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