Random day in los vegas...

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Meghan's POV:
Next day/morning...

I wake up to the sun in my eyes, I sit up in bed, I look down at Charlie who is fast asleep.
I look over to where Madison was, she was sitting up in her bed reading a book.
Good morning Meghan she said.
Good morning I said.
Hey! Come here for a sec she said.
I walked over to her bed, I sat down beside her.
Have you ever read this book? She asked.
*I read the title of the book*  "mysterious love"
No I don't think I ever heard of it actually I said.
Oh well it's actually really good! She told me.
Hey! Wanna do something fun she said.
Umm sure I guess.
She grabs her purse and pulls out some nail polish.
Do you always caring nail polish with you? I asked.
Yea! She said.
I wanna paint your nails!
She said pulling my hand.
I let her paint them
They were actually really pretty.

Charlie's POV: i wake up to the smell of nail polish.
Which was actually super weird cause last time I checked i was in a hotel not a nail salon.
I open my eyes and I find to see Madison in the bed painting Meghan's nails.
Good morning girls I said sitting up in bed rubbing my eyes.
Good morning they both said.
I got up and went to the bathroom.
When I got out I didn't see Meghan or Madison anywhere!
Meghan?.. Madison??
I said.
I heard giggle.
Then all of a sudden they both jump from behind the bed with pillows and they start hitting me with them.

Meghan's POV:
Me and Madison start hitting Charlie with pillows.
He grabs us both by my our waist and throws us on the bed.
We both start laughing, then Charlie got a pillow and starts hitting me and Madison with it.

It was so much fun, this was the first time I have ever had fun with Madison. I never knew she could be so fun!

1 hour later...
Meghan's POV:
After a fun morning, we all three decided to go shopping to get some clothes and just have fun.
We all got into the car and we went to a mall called the
"meadow mall"

Ok so me and Madison are going to go to forever 21 to look for some clothes, I told Charlie.
Ok I'll just be in "Dillard's" if you need me he said.
Ok babe, I kissed him on the cheek and we went our separate ways.

There were a lot of pretty dresses and tops there, it was actually really hard for me to choose.

I look over to where Madison was, she already had a handful of clothes.
Ok I'm ready!
she said.
Wait how do you know there going to fit? I asked.
Oh I know they'll fit trust me she said.
Did you find anything yet? She asked.
No not really I said.
Oooo! Let me help you!, she pulled my arm to where all the short shorts were.
Ok I think theses will
Look perfect on you she said holding up some white short shorts.
Umm... I'm not really a shorts person I mostly like dresses and skirts.
Ohh come on Meg let's switch it up a bit! She said smiling at me.
I don't know Madison...
Come on pleaseee!!!
Ughh fine just for one day I said.
YAY! She said laughing.
Come on let's pick out some more things she said.

30 minutes later...
After searching for the right clothes we finally got enough of clothes to last us till we get back home. I really do miss Los Angeles...

We met up with Charlie and we went into other stores and shopped our hearts out, we had so many bags it was CRAZY!
Once we got tired of walking around we went to the food court to get some food.
The food was amazing as always! Once we were done we decided to go back to the hotel and just relax.

When we got back we put all of our stuff in the little closet in
the room.
Hey Meghan wanna go swimming in the pool? Madison said.
Umm not right now I rather relax,
besides my feet hurt alittle.
Oh ok... She said
She sat in the bed and started reading the book she was reading earlier.

All of a sudden Charlie phone starts ringing.
He picks it up.
It's Scarlett he said.
My eyes lit up!
Put her on speaker phone I told Charlie.

Hey Scarlett how are you?
*im fine how about you?
We're doing ok..
* I just wanted to apologize for Dallas and his mental breakdown.
Mental??! I said confused.
*yea mental, Oh I forgot to tell you he has a serious mental issue I've heard it runs in his family.
*so where are you guys now?
Los Vegas!
*oh wow! I always wanted to go.
Yea it's super fun actually.
*Haha yea that's why I wanna go.
*is it just you and Charlie?
No Madison is here to.
*madison... With you.. In a hotel TOGETHER!
Yea what's wrong with that?
*Meghan you hate her! That's a huge PROBLEM!
Well not anymore were friends now.
*WHAT!! Friends!
Yes friends..
(There was a awkward silence for a few minutes)
Scarlett?? Are you there?
*oh umm.. Yea I have to go.. Bye!
~call ends~

What's her problem?Charlie said.
I don't know? I said.

Well I'm going to take a nap I said.
Promise you won't leave my side? I said to Charlie.
I promise he said holding my hand...

I think Scarlett has a problem with Madison and Meghan being friends now...
I wonder how she's going to handle it when they get back home...
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and make sure to like and share with your friends!!!

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