Charlies confession

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Meghan's POV:
After me and Scarlett finished our pizza we went up stairs.
We both sat on the king size bed.

Wait I never knew you and Charlie sleep together?
Yea we do I said, ohh she says laughing.

So did you find a guy you like yet?
Well actually yea! His name is "Cole" he's been my crush for a while.
Aw do you think he likes you?
Yea I think he does, he's always taking me out to lunch and always smiling at me every time I talk to him.
Yea I think he likes you! I say.
We both start laughing.

Suddenly we hear noises down stairs.

We both freeze..
Who is that? I whisper to Scarlett.
It's probably Charlie.
Yea it probably is I say.

Then we here footsteps come up the stairs...
We both look up and we see its Charlie.

Hey Babe! I say.
He looks up at me and continues to put his stuff down.
Scarlett looks at me.
What's wrong with him? Scarlett asks me.
I shrugged my shoulders.

Charlie takes off his shoes and his shirt and lays on the bed.
I could see Scarlett's eyes get big.

Charlie are you ok? I ask.
Yea I'm fine he says.
I'm just really tired, he adds.

Scarlett is going to spend the night, I hope you don't mind.
Yea it's cool he says and lays his head on a pillow.

Where could I sleep? She says.
There's a air mattress in the closet i say I'll help you set it up.
Ok Scarlett says.

5 minutes later...
I set up the air mattress for Scarlett.
I get In bed, Charlie wraps his arms around me.
I turn off the lights, good night Scarlett!
Good night Meghan she says.

later that night...
I woke up to the sounds of someone crying,
I turn over and I see its Charlie.
He really doesn't cry that much but this time it looked like he was heart broken.

Charlie what's wrong? I asked.
I have something to tell you.. But I'm not sure how he says sniffling.
What is it?
I did something very bad and I could never forgive myself.
Charlie what? Tell me! I said in shock.

I went to a little party with my friends tonight. And we where playing a game.. Most of them were drunk and I was kinda alittle drunk, But I'm fine now.
They dared me to kiss some girl for 80 bucks.
I first said no! But when I saw the girl.. She was so pretty and I couldn't help myself.
I super sorry Meghan I'm really am.
Charlie began crying again.

Baby it's ok I'm not mad,
Yes really everyone makes mistakes, and you were drunk so I totally understand.
I just want to let you know I love you so much and I would never ever do anything to hurt you ever again.
I love you too I said.
We kissed each other.
I layed my head on his chest and cuddled him super tight...

Hey y'all hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry if it was short again..
But ya! Like and share


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