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Charlie's POV: that next day I got up pretty early, it was 7:20 and Meghan was still sound asleep. I got up and put some clothes on...
And I went out the house.

I found myself at Scarlett and lukes door.
I took a deep breath and knocked, nobody answered so I knocked again, and again. I was going to give up then someone finally opened the door. It was a tall guy with brown hair. Um hello who are you? he said. I'm Charlie I said introducing myself and I'm looking for a person named Dallas.
Well your looking at him he said.
Oh um well I need to talk to you real quick.
Why I don't even know you,
You probably do you know Meghan right? I said.
Yea of course I know that smoken hot girl.
I looked at him like "shut the hell up"
Well she's my girlfriend I said,
Oh really? He said surprised, your such a lucky guy.
Yea I know and she is going to stay mine forever. Now listen to me if you even lay your hands on her ever again I will beat your ass just ask Scarlett's brother he would be delighted to tell you have much the pain hurts I said angrily.
And... Am I suppose to be scared of you? Dallas said.
I don't care if you are or not DON't FUCKING TOUCH HER!
Scarlett came to the door looking half asleep.
Babe what's wrong? she said. Nothing honey, he said.
Charlie??! What are you doing here? Is everything ok?
Yea everything is fine I was just leaving anyways.
Oh ok well have a great rest of your morning.
I will I said and walk back to my house.

Meghan's POV: I rolled over and I didn't feel Charlie in the bed I shot up super quick, Charlie?? I said.
I got no answer. I got out of bed and looked around the house.
Still no sign of him.
Gosh he is always leaving me, then all of a sudden he came bursting through the door, he looked a little angry.
Charlie what's wrong?
NOTHING he said.
He walked in to the room and slammed the door.
I opened the door, Charlie are you ok?
Yes I'm fine just don't worry about it he said.
Oh ok I said I sat next to him on the bed.
He looked at me with a sad face.
Aww Charlie please tell me what's wrong?
I told you it's nothing.
Well I don't like seeing you like this.
I'm just going to go back to sleep. Ok I said,

Later that day...
Meghan's POV:
I was on the couch on my phone, Charlie was hanging out with Madison😑,so I was at the house all alone, which was fine cause I did need sometime to myself.
All of a sudden there was a loud knock at the door, like it was super loud. I shot up real quick,
I looked through the peep hole, I saw it was Dallas. OH SHIT! I said to myself. I opened the door very slowly,
Meghan I need to talk to you he said.
Because I need you understand something.
Ughh fine come on in I said.
We sat on the couch,
Dallas looked at me like he was worried.
Well? What's up I said,
Well Meghan do you happen to know anyone by the name "Jonas"?
My eyes opened wide, umm.. Yea..I said studdering.
Oh umm.. This might sound crazy but uhh... He's my brother.
My heart dropped so hard, I didn't know what to do?
I.. Umm.. I said studdering.
I'm so confused?
I said.
Well let me explain he said.
Please do!
Ok it all started when I heard my brother was in the hospital, so I went to the hospital to see if he was ok, and yes he is ok. But he did have a broken arm, i asked him if he remembered anything but all he remembers is being beaten like crazy. When we got back to his place he told me about Scarlett/ his girlfriend.
He told me she had a friend named Meghan, which of course is you.
And he liked you a lot, and I see of course you didn't like him.
Of course not he's crazy! I said.
Anyways... Continue I said.
Well he said he wanted to get revenge on you.
Wait why me? I asked kinda scared.
I don't know? Dallas said.
So he told me to find his sister Scarlett, and once I found Scarlett she could lead me to you.
And now what happens?
I said.
Well sense he is to injured and can't literally do anything he wanted me to do it.
Umm.. And that is??

Wow... I really hope Meghan beats his ass!
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