Carry on...

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Charlie's POV:
'I was sitting in the drivers seat of my car.

Meghan was sitting in the passenger seat, and Sirena, Lexi, Jaycee, and Savannah, were sitting in the back.

"Are you guys excited?

YAAAA!!! Sirena and Savannah yells.

"What about you 2?
I say to Jaycee and Lexi.

'Lexi doesn't say anything, she just looks out the window.

Ok.. Umm how about you Jaycee?

"I've already been there...he mumbles.

Oh.. Well did you like it?

"Yea I guess if I've been there like 5 times already.. He says crossing his arms.

"Ok.. I whisper.

1 hour later...

"We pull up into a parking space at six flags.

Meghan's POV:
'We all get out of the car,
We walk up to the stands to get our wrist bands.

'We walk into the park..

"Ok! Guys where do you wanna go first?

"Can we go on the twisted colossus? Sirena asks.

"Yea sure!
Come on I say.

After wondering around the park trying to find the ride, we finally found it and we got in line.

-10 minutes later-
We all sat in our roller coaster seats,

I held Charlie's hand, and he held mine.

'We climbed up the hill, then we stopped at the top...
'I saw Sirena grab Jaycee's hand.

Then all of a sudden, we took off!

We all started screaming like crazy!

'I turn my head alittle, and I see Jaycee and Lexi, just sitting there with a straight face.

After the ride was over we all reunited ourselves.

Everyone's hair was all messy.

"Did you like that one?

"Ya! I loved it! Sirena and Savannah says.

5 roller coaster rides later...

'After we were done riding roller coasters, we decided to get some food.

'We all sat down at the tables and ate "pizza".

Lexi or Jaycee didn't even touch there pizza or soda's...

"OK! You know what! Start talking! I say to both of them.

"Meghan what's wrong? Charlie asks.

"I'm tired of seeing you 2 looking sad." I know you guys are heart broken and stuff, but you just have to move on!

"I CAN'T" Jaycee yells.

"Why not?

"Because I'm the one who made her kill herself! "It's all my fault! It's not Lexi's or Sirena's or Savannah's fault...

"ITS MINE!!! All mine!

'Jaycee no it's not-

"YES IT IS! She could still be alive right now if I didn't tell her to change her act and become her old self again! She's dead now because of what i said!!

"Jaycee...I say starting to cry.

"Lexi puts her head down on the table, she starts to sob again.

"I just wish I didn't tell her to go home... I want haven back... He says crying in his hands.

'Sirena gets up and hugs Jaycee.

'Charlie gets up and picks Lexi up.

"It's ok honey... He says rubbing her back.

Charlie's POV:
"I wanna go home... Lexi whispers to me.

"Ok honey we will soon.

"NO! But me and Sirena wanna stay! Savannah says.

"It's ok Charlie you can take them home, I'll stay here with them, we'll take a taxi home, Meghan says.

"Ok, I putting Lexi down.

'I walk over and I kiss Meghan strongly on the lip, "I love you" I whisper to her.

"I love you too❤️

'Me, Lexi, and Jaycee,
Walk back to the car,
We get in and we drive off. It was very silent on the way home...

      1 hour later.....

When we got back home, Jaycee walked backed to his house without saying "goodbye" to us.

'Me and Lexi walk into the house,
She walked up to her room and slams the door.

'I just stand in the living room and take a big sigh..

'I walk upstairs to Lexi's room, I walked in..

"Hey sweetie!

'She just looks at me...

"How ya doing?

'She turns her back to me.

'I sit on the bed bed beside her.

"Lexi please.. You can't be mad at the world forever.. You have to move on..

"I can't... I just CAN'T!

"Yes you can! And plus I thought you hated haven?

"I do.. But I'm just shocked that she's gone, and I know it my fault...

"Wait but I thought it was Jaycee's fault?

"I don't know... Maybe it is.. But I know I had something to do with it, and I know nobody is going to believe me.. But I know I did and It's going to take me a while to get over it..

"I know it is.. But can you at least try to pretend that you are happy?

"I'll try...

'She hugs me tightly,

"I love you dad... she whispers to me.

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