Dallas last strike...

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Meghan's POV:
I couldn't believe my eyes...

Meghan what's wrong?
Charlie said.
I pointed my finger,
He turned around, his eyes widen in shock.
We both couldn't believe our eyes.. But all we could see is "Dallas standing in the bedroom door way..
He just stood there... Not saying a word or even moving, it was like he was dead or something.

I could feel Charlie grab my hand,
Charlie what do we do? I ask...
Charlie runs to the kitchen.
I follow him,
He pulls out one of the large knifes,
Charlie what are you doing?
He didn't say anything he just walked away and headed up stairs to the bedroom where Dallas was.
I follow him,

We make it up stairs.. Charlie paused at the stairway.
He looks down the hall and Dallas isn't standing there anymore...
Oh my gosh where did he go! I said.
Shh.. Don't panic Charlie said.
Stay here he said.
Be careful char-char I said.

Charlie's POV:
I slowly walk down the hall way.
Once I got to the bedroom I looked inside.
There was nobody there,
I walk out of the room..
I checked the other rooms too, when I was passing past the bathroom I was penned against the wall,
It was Dallas he had me by my neck, literally almost about to choke me.
MEGHAN!! I yell.
I can hear her feet coming down the hallway,
CHARLIE! she says.

Meghan's POV:
I jump on top of Dallas back, he try's to get me off of him.
I grab his neck and start to choke him.
He Rams me into the wall, we both fall to the floor, I get up and run into the bedroom to call 911.

Charlie's POV:
I see Meghan run into the bedroom I wondered what she was doing?,
But right now my focus was only on Dallas.
I walk up to him, he's still on the floor,
He try's to get up but I put my foot on his back to where he couldn't move.

I have bad news for ya Dallas...
I hear sirens coming..
And you know what that means..
It means your time is up.
I see a police officer coming down the hallway.
I'll take it from here sir he says to me.
The officer pins Dallas up against the wall and arrests him.
Then he takes him down stairs to where the cop car was.

Me and Meghan stood on the porch watching the cop put him in the car..,
Meghan had her arms around my waist she was shaking in fear.
I rubbed her back,

He's all taken care of now.
How long is he going to be in jail? Meghan says.
Well let's just say until his last breath the officer says.
Now y'all have a nice day the cop says and gets in the car..
We watch him drive off.
I look at Meghan she looks back at me.
We both walk back into the house and started cleaning up the place from all the mess...

Hey guys hope you liked this chapter is you did please like it, and share with your friends and remember to stay tune cause there will be more.


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