#nightmare once again!

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Meghan's POV:
'I look at the man in fear,
He gives me an evil look..

This man was the one and only....

•first of all,
How the hell is he alive?

•and second of all,
Am I dreaming?

"D-Dallas?? I whisper.

"He continues to look at me..

"How is this happening? How are you alive??

"Don't worry about it..

"Well I need to! Wait are you a zombie??

"NO! I'm not a zombie!
'He says with a high tone.

"Then how are you talking to me right now?

'He doesn't say anything..


'He looks down on the ground..

"I really missed you Meghan.. You don't understand how hard it was for me..

"What the hell are you talking about??

"I miss seeing your face..

'I look at him still in fear..

"Dallas! This is not real I am not talking to a dead person right now! I'm dreaming! I have to be! 'I say shaking my head.

'He puts his warm hand on my cheek.

'I hit his hand..

"Dallas! You better start explaining right now!

-Suddenly, Charlie walks up to the door with me.

he says.

Charlie's POV:
"Wait I thought you got stabbed in the neck by Scarlett??

"I did but.. I wasn't fining to let no stupid knife kill me.

"DALLAS! When we saw you, you were dead! How can you be alive from that?

"I'm just blessed like that.

"What then what about the dead body in my shed?

"Oh I put that there.. He says.

"What?? But it looked just like a you!

"That's because it was a fake dummy.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now! Do you really expect me to believe that!

"I mean I'm standing right here.. So yea?? I guess??

"Dallas just tell us what happened!
'Meghan says.


Dallas's POV:
Ok well..
When you two went back
Into the house, I was still on the ground with the knife in my neck...

Scarlett grabbed me by my shirt, and pushed me against the wall of the house.

I still had a little strength left in my body, so I pushed her on the ground.

I pulled the knife out of my neck, and I threw it on the ground.

I kneeled down and told her "I'm never going to die!"

Then she said " how am I going to tell Charlie and Meghan that your not dead.

Then I said "don't tell them, just make them think I am"

Then that's when it was all up to her to do the job.

She did tell me one of her cousins are a artist, so I'm guessing they made a fake dummy that looks like me!

So I left and I went into hiding...

Meghan's POV:
"So you were alive this whole time??


"So Scarlett played us!

"Yea.. I guess so??
But aren't you guys happy to see me? It's been awhile seems I've seen y'all!

"NO DALLAS! That's not how this story is going to go! Your dead now! And you will always will be!

"Meghan I know you can't believe this..but you should be happy!

"Why Dallas?
You tried to kill me!
And I even told your brother that you were dead!

"HA really?


"Aww how did that fucker react?

"Not well! He tries to kill me and Scarlett.

Charlie's POV:
"HOLD UP!! I say interrupting.

Meghan says.

"So your telling us that Scarlett lied about everything?


"So she didn't kill you
(Clearly) and
She didn't put your body in a shed.

"Yep! Correct.

"Oh you little ass!! I say balling up my fist.

Meghan's POV:
"Charlie calm down!
'I say.

"Dallas I know, that your all alive now.. (Im guessing)
But umm.. Do you still wanna kill me??

"Ha! No Meghan..
I'm totally over that,
Actually from me being into hiding, I got to have some time to think...

"So your telling me your all good now??


"Ha.. Whatever.

"Ok that's ok you don't have to believe me!

"Well I'll see you wonderful people later..
He says walking away.

'I look at Charlie..
He looks back at me.

"That did not just happen! He says to me.

"I know right...
I swear I feel like I'm dreaming, I said walking back into the house.

But the weirdest thing about it...

I wasn't...


Hi guys!! Hope you enjoyed this insane Chapter!!
If you did like and share!

I know this chapter is kinda confusing! I know it kinda is, but if you just think about alittle, it will start to make since!

Do you trust Dallas??

So yeaaa!!!


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