Hurricane meghan!!

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Meghan's POV: I woke up the next morning with a horrible pain all over my body, I got up and went into the bath room. I looked into the mirror, i saw bruises on my neck and around my arms and shoulders, I started crying silently. But I started to get louder, Charlie rushed into the bathroom, Meghan what's wrong? Charlie l-ook.. I said showing him and crying. Oh my gosh Meg did Jonas do this to you? Yea.. I said quietly. I tryed to fight him but, he tackled me to the ground and tied me up, and that's when he called you and said he has me. I'm so lucky I beat his ass, Charlie said. Yea I said laughing. You look really sexy when you are angry I said. He looked at me and grinned. I don't like being mean, but when you take something I really care about away from me then that's when i have to turn into the Incredible Hulk, Charlie said. OMG! You are such a nerd I said laughing. Yea.. I know he said. I kissed him on the cheek and I walked out the bathroom, but then he grabbed me by my arm ..OUCH! I said in pain. Oh shit sorry Meg he said. He pulled me close I was trying to be sexy. You don't have to try you already are, I said and winked at. He kissed my lips.... I love you forever Meg he said. I'll love you forever too I said...
2 hours later...
Charlie's POV: me and meg are laying on the couch watching South Park together like usual.. My phone rings. I see Madison's name come across, I denied it.. Who was that? Meghan asked, nothing.. just lay your head back down, I said. she smirked at me and laid her head down. I rubbed her neck she closed her eyes.. Am I hurting you? No this actually feels amazing she said, I rubbed her neck more, she rested her head on my shoulder.... I thought you didn't want me to stop? I didn't I just wanna cuddle with you, she said putting her hands around my neck. Suddenly my phone rings again.. It's Madison! Let me see your phone! Meg said. No you need to rest, she grabbed my phone out my hand, she picked it up. Hello? She said, hi is this Charlie? Does it sound like Charlie? Umm... No. Then no this is not Charlie. Meghan stop give me the phone I said. NO! She said. You better stop calling Charlie or else! Well umm Charlie is my best friend. Ok I don't give a rats titty if he is. I tryed not to laugh, but I did. I grabbed the phone out of her hand. Meghan started laughing really hard. Hello? I said. I got no answer, they must have hung up.. You are so mean! How am I mean? Meg said. Because you made her feel bad. Well that's her fault for calling. You know what meg your going to be nice to her, I try to but she thinks that's she's slick enough to take my man. For the 1000 Meg I don't like her like that. Mhmm whatever... She said and walked away. We're not finished talking yet! I said, well I am.. She said.all of a sudden there is a knock at the door... I go to open it, and when I did my heart dropped to the ground. It was Madison, I kinda got scared because that means that there is going to be a fight, and I just don't have time for that... So I slammed the door! CHARLIE! I heard her say. Who was that? Meghan said walking up to me. Nobody.. I said frightenly. She tried to move me out the way, but I was refusing to let her go past me. She looked at me, then she ran straight to the back door!! MEGHAN WAIT! I shouted while running after her, we were outside of my backyard, Meghan please let me explain I said. She just looked at me and ran away again. GOD DAMMIT! I ran back inside.. I opened the front door, Madison was still standing there, come on maddy I said pulling her inside. Wait why? She said. Just SHHH... I said, I closed the door shut and locked it. I ran to the back doors and locked it too. What is going on? She asked, two works (hurricane...Meghan) I said. Then all of a sudden I hear banging at the door and it was super loud. OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR CHARLES OTTO PUTH! Right now! She said yelling through the door, I didn't say anything... There was a long silence for a while. Me and Madison just looked at each other... Then all of a sudden I hear a car crank up. Madison looked out the window.. Umm Charlie Meghan is in your car. Are you Kidding me right now, stay here. Ok she said.. I ran out the door. I ran to my car door, when Meghan saw me she closed it and then locked it! (First of all how the hell did she get in my car?) I said to myself... I banged on the window, OPEN THE DOOR RIGHT NOW!! I shouted. She looked at me, she put the car in reverse. Meghan you better not.... She stuck her tongue at me, MEGHAN!!! I said yelling. She backed the car up super fast, she pulled out into the road, I stood in the drive way... She rolled the window down.. Remember when you threw that rock at my car??? She said. I did it for a reason I said.. Aww really well I'm doing this for a reason too, she said sarcastically. She got out the car, with a bat in her hand, Meghan no!! I said running to her, she held the bat up, STAY BACK! She said. Meghan please I'm sorry if your mad at me.. But listen just put the bat down and come here and give char char a hug.. I said smiling. She looked at me angrily, she looked up and saw Madison step out of the house. WHY THE HELL IS SHE STILL HERE? I was protecting her from you... Oh so now you think I'm crazy! She said screaming at me. I never said that its just that I don't know what has gotten into you Meg just chill out! Ohhh you want me to chill out.. Yea I said. Ok.... She looked at me smiling. She put the bat down on the ground... My heart finally starting beating again... Come here Meg! I said holding my arms out. Her smile turned into a evil face.. You want me to be calm huh? Charlie is that what you want? Yes.. Meghan I said getting scared. OK CHARLIE!!! She picked up the bat off the ground and smashed my front mirror. MEGHAN WHAT THE HELL!!! I ran up to her, Meg put it down right now! No I'm having fun she said. I reached for the bat, Charlie move! She said. I grabbed her behind her waist, CHARLIE MOVE! She yelled. Not till you put that killing machine down. Not till I'm done, baby I think you have down enough. No I'm not satisfied yet. She pulled her arms off of her. She ran to the front of my car, Meghan please wait stop I don't wanna hurt you. I don't either Charlie, trust me you already have I said. She swung the bat in the air and smashed my window shield. When I tell you my heart melted literally it melted... She dropped the bat.. There now I'm finished, I stood there with my mouth opened wide, in shock. Have fun with your car Charlie she said in a sweet voice. And walked away, WHERE ARE YOU GOING? I asked. Somewhere far away from you! She yelled back.

WOWWWW Meghan is going crazy, I wonder what Charlie is going to do next?? Let's see in the next chapter😝😆 TTYL 😘❤️💋

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