Chapter 17

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Emma's POV:

"Ouch that's harsh." I heard a Calum say from the other room.

"Emma, let's just talk about this." Luke, pleaded with me.

"No." I said as I walked into my bunk and closed the curtains.

Luke: Please, you don't have to talk to me. We can just text.

Luke: hello?

Luke: Emma :-(

Luke: :'(

I shed a tear every time I hear my text notification. I wish Luke could understand that we're just not meant to be together. As much as I want us to be together, we just can't.

Luke: Emma please respond.

I couldn't take seeing the messages pop up on my screen every time. I ran out of my bunk and placed my phone on the kitchen counter because I couldn't bear to see his texts right at this moment. As I was getting into my bunk, Luke still had his curtains open and I saw the sadness in his eyes. I didn't like to see him sad but I think it's better for him to be sad right now so that in the long run, he'll hate me and it'd be easier for him to forget about me. I closed the curtains and went to sleep.

Luke's POV:

I miss the old Emma. The one who actually talked to me more often and the one who puts a smile to my face every single moment. Don't get me wrong, Emma still puts a smile to my face whether she wants to talk to me or not but I just miss the feeling of her in my arms. I want her to be mine and only mine. I want the world to see how lucky I am to even be her friend. I want her and it's not because of just how beautiful she is but because of her personality.

It was 3:00 pm and we were heading to the next radio station interview and meet and greet. I thought it'd be good if I could eat a snack. Eating helps me feel a little bit better because of what just happened a few minutes ago.

I went over to the kitchen and put two slices of bread in the toaster. When I heard the small bell ding, I took the bread out of the toaster and spread on some Vegemite. Before I ate my food, I almost forgot to wash my hand so I did, when I dried my hands, I saw Emma's phone on the counter. I know that I shouldn't be prying into someone's phone but I just needed to check if she read my texts. Making sure her curtains were still closed, I turned on her phone.

There was a passcode. I tried to put in her birthday. It didn't work. I tried several pass codes and it still didn't work. I was so disparate that I even put in my name as the passcode. Nothing worked but then I had an idea.

I walked to the separate room in the back were the band usually hung out.

"Angela, please open Emma's phone for me."

"Why do you think I would do that?" She said, as she chuckled.

"Because we're friends?"

"Emma's like my sister, I would never betray her."

"Please open it."

"Fine, just cause I want you guys to be together. But don't you dare leave anything suspicious behind or else I'll kill you."

When her phone was unlocked, I went to her text messages and saw that they were unread. While I was checking her phone, a bunch of other notifications were popping up and they were all from Twitter and Instagram.

@Luke_hemmingsss: Are you and Luke dating? Paparazzi keep getting pics of you guys together and I don't want a slut hanging around with my baby.

@5sause: You're a fat ugly whore.

@Mukeforthewin: You're worthless.

@Lukie14: Stop using Luke for his money.

@cake_af: Luke's different because of you. Stop seeking for his attention. You guys aren't ever gonna be compatible.

@we_hate_emma: Go die.

How could I have not seen this? I walked over to Emma's bunk and knocked on the the wood part to see if she'd open the curtains.

"What now Luke?" She asked, as she rubbed her eyes.

"Can we sit on the couch and talk?"

"Why don't you just lay down with me?" Emma said, still half asleep.

I honestly like her better when she's half asleep. She's less cranky.

"Okay." I said, lying down beside her

"I'm sorry." I said, as I hugged her.

"No, don't be sorry. I should be sorry." She said, as she hugged me back.

"No it's about something else." I said.

"What?" Emma asked, with a look of suspicion on her face.

"You didn't tell me that you were getting hate comments on Twitter and Instagram and I'm sorry for causing you all this trouble." I said, kind of ashamed of looking through her phone.

"Who says I'm getting hate on social media?"

"I was on your phone and I saw the notifications of hate comments on your account."

"How'd you get into my phone." She asked, as he voice was breaking. I knew she was trying not to cry.

"It doesn't matter. What does matter is that I'm sorry Emma. I didn't know how rude my fans could be.  You should've told me so that I could've defended you. I care about you and I don't want you to get hurt."

"That's nice of you. But, I'm already hurting." She said, as she whipped a tear off her face.

"I don't want you too. Let me make you feel better."

"Your fans should be your priorities. Not me."

"But those fans aren't real fans. They're hurting you and that's not right. If they were real fans, they shouldn't be going around, hurting and bringing down people that are close to me." I said, placing my hand on her face.

"Why do you care? I'm worthless, ugly and everything else that makes me not right for you."

"Your the most beautiful person I know and you are not worthless. In my darkest nights, you brighten up the sky and I could never ask for more. Your talented, smart, caring, and way out of my limit." I said, as she smiled.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is, I love you."

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