Chapter 10

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Emma's POV:

"What should we do first?" I asked.

"Up to you guys, I'm gonna go hang out with Calum. Just make it believable." Angela said.

"Lets go to the pool table." Michael said.

"Okay." I said, as I put my hand in his.

The pool table was right next to the bar and I was 100% positive that Luke would be able to see us. When I walked over to the pool table, Michael put his arms around me and he taught me the basics on how to play a game of pool and I noticed Luke stealing a glance.

"Am I too close?" Michael asked, quiet enough so that Luke wouldn't hear.

"No, you're fine."

After he taught me how to play, we played against each other.

15 Minutes Later

"Oh my gosh I actually won." I yelled, as I jumped into Michael's arms with excitement.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said, whispering.

"No it's fine. Luke noticed." He whispered, as he picked me up off of the ground and spun me around.

"You guys are so cute. Luke looks like he's getting irritated." Angela whispered as she walked over to us.

"Good." Michael and I said at the same time.

Luke's POV:

"What drink would you like me to buy you." I tried to say as nice as possible.

"Oh, just a beer." She said, as she played with her hair.

Are you kidding me? Was she not able to buy one herself?

"Here you go." The bartender said and handed it to Cassidy.

"It's such a coincidence that-"

I didn't let Cassidy finish her sentence and just kissed her, hoping that she would shut the hell up and just let me leave. Every girl that I encounter at a bar just wants a kiss from me. Now that I kissed her, I just wanted her to leave me alone.

"Wow I didn't-"

As she was talking to me, I wasn't paying any attention to what she was saying. I heard Emma laughing with Michael and she had the most beautiful laugh in the entire planet. I wanted to just leave Cassidy and go spend some time with Emma.

"Don't you agree with-"

"Im sorry, but I really have to go." I said, trying to be polite.

"Wait." She said

"What do you need?" I asked, getting a bit annoyed.

"I just wanted to ask you one last thing."

While, Cassidy was still talking to me, I glanced behind her and saw Michael's arms around Emma as he taught her to play pool. The way his arms were around her looked like it was more than just a friendly game of pool and it bothered the hell out of me. Soon after that, Michael and Emma were playing against each other. When Emma won, I saw her jump into his arms. I was jealous and I knew that I should've been the one spending time with her and not Michael.


"Aren't you going to answer my question?"

"I have to go." I said to her.


"Bye." I said and didn't let her finish what she had to say.

I got off of the stool that was I front of the bar and walked over to Emma, Michael and Angela.

"Can I talk to Michael privately?" I asked.

"Okay, we'll hang out with Ashton and Calum." Angela said, as she pulled Emma away with her.

"Sup?" Michael said.

"Since when were you so close to Emma?" I asked.

"Why are you asking?" Michael asked.

"I really like Emma and I'm pretty sure you already know that. She's different and I've never liked a girl as much as I like Emma. So could you please not break the bro code?"

"Can you please remind me what the bro code is?" Michael asked, as if he didn't know.

"We can't date or flirt with the another-"

"Band mate's girlfriend." Michael said, as he finished my sentence.

"But your not her boyfriend." Michael said.

"I know, but I thought it was kind of clear that Emma is mine." I said, a bit frustrated.

"Emma isn't an object that you can call dibs on. She's a human being and she can choose whoever she wants to date."

"But, it's not like you even like her that way."

"Who says I don't like her that way? Luke, you can't get everything you want." Michael said.

I just wanted to kick a fucking wall.

"Guys, lets get something to eat!" Ashton said.

Emma's POV:

All of us went to a small restaurant that was right around the corner of the club that we just went to. We all sat at the same table. The table was circular and next to me was Michael, next to Michael was Ashton, next Ashton was Luke, next to Luke was Calum and in between Calum and me was Angela.

After everyone ordered, Michael whispered in me ear.

"Blah, blah, blah blah, blah. I'm trying to look like I'm flirting with you I front of Luke. Laugh in a flirty way like I said something sweet and funny." Michael whispered into my ear.

"Laugh in 3, 2, 1." Michael said, still whispering in my ear.

After he counted down, I laughed as flirty as I could. Lol can you really laugh in a flirty way? I don't know but I think I just did because I saw Luke flinch in his seat.

AN: This chapter isn't as long as my usual ones but I just really wanted to update as soon as possible and I didn't want to keep you guys waiting. I wanted to end this on a cliffhanger (sort of a cliffhanger).

Who do you ship Emma with? I know that this is a Luke Hemmings fanfic and that my readers are probably mostly Luke girls but I want to know what your opinion is. Please comment and tell me who you ship Emma with.

I also want to give a shoutout to all the people who have been favoriting most of my chapters and adding my fanfic to their reading lists. I want to thank you guys so much! ❤️


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