chapter 13

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3 months later

Winnie and Dennis were in bed sleeping when they suddenly heard the baby monitor device going off. "Ugh, i'll get them." Dennis said getting up. "Sh." Went a voice on the monitor. "What the?" Winnie began hearing the voice. Dennis bolted to the other room too see his children. "Great grandpa Vlad is here." Vlad said holding Nathaniel close. Nathaniel yawned before falling asleep again in his arms. "Sorry, i heard his noise and came to check on him." He said setting him back in the crib. "Yeah, okay." Dennis said scratching the back of his head. "Well g'night." He said going back too Winnie. Dennis fell back to bed. Next morning. Dennis awoke to find Winnie not next to him, but between his legs with a huge smile. "Good morning." He said smirking. She winked and smiled even more. "Shouldn't we get the children fed first?" He asked. "Already done." She whispered. Dennis rolled his eyes. "Well okay, but i would much rather do this." He said pulling her forward. He kissed her rolling onto her. "Hehe, whatever you like is good with me." Winnie said kissing his nose. However before they could do anything the baby monitor once again wailed. They both sighed and decided to look to the children. "Maybe grandpa Vlad will take care of this again." Dennis said opening the door. They both gasped at what they saw. Standing over the crib was the monstrous giant bat Bela, only this time he was disfigured, but once again full sized. "You destroyed me... AND SO I DESTROY YOUR LIFE!" He shouted grabbing Nathaniel. "NO!" Winnie cried. She almost lunged forward. "ONE MORE STEP!" He threatened holding Nathaniel outside the window. Dennis knew this was no bluff, and held Winnie back. "Make a good pet this little boy." Bela said tauntingly as he cradled the crying Nathaniel. Winnie snarled, growled and cried at the same time. He threw Nathaniel up, but caught him in his lower claws before flying off towards the mountains. Suddenly Dracula burst through the door. "I saw him flying off with my vision!" Dracula said getting a good glare at the child. "We need Grandpa Vlad." Dennis said. Dracula left and returned with his father. "I can't see him." Vlad said using his vampire sight. "But i know where they are likely heading, they migrated over to the Southern Carpathians." He said going bat form. "Well? What are you waiting for?" He asked. The three vampires went bat and flew off with him. They flew off, but Winnie began too fall back. Dennis flew too her level to check on her. "My son... I let this happen." Winnie said crying hard. Dennis felt his heart almost break. "Don't say that!" Dennis said. "What should i say?" Winnie asked. "What i am saying." Dennis said. "We will get him back." He said. They soon arrived, but found Nathaniel outside a cave. "Wait!" Dennis said. "It could be a trap." Dennis landed 20 feet away and rolled a stone close by. There was nothing. "My son... Oh my." Winnie said bringing him to Dennis. He was also bitten by Bela, and made vampire, and upon him was a note. "Leave. Never return or I along with my people will drive wooden steaks into the hearts of you all." It said in scrawled handwriting.

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