chapter 16

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"Hey Dennis... Um... Don't worry." Griffin said trying to find the words. "Just." Dennis began holding an arm up to silence him. "Just don't." Dennis said. Griffin did so, but feeling he owed it to poor Dennis joined him as he slumped by the bar. "Luckily for you i'm part time bartender when i get the chance." Griffin said (It's actually true look his original character up). "What you need... Is a margarita." Griffin said with an invisible grin. Griffin went around the counter and began pulling together several liquids and ice and various tools. "And now a lime ring." He said finishing it. "Eh best drink that straight down." He recommended as Dennis took the fancy glass. He tipped it back in one drink. "Here, you'll need it." Griffin said handing him a gin and tonic. "Best nursed in a time like this bud." He finished wiping the counter. "Hey! Now don't get drunk just before your wedding night!" Dracula said coming to take a seat. "Where's Winnie?" He said before seeing his face and then Griffin's glasses shaking back and forth. "No!" Dracula said suddenly getting sad eyes. Dennis looked over and saw the happy faces of people dancing, he then looked down the seats and saw more happy faces. Suddenly one face stuck out, the face of a cute blonde vampire who seemed to be staring at him with a grin. She winked. Dennis continued to swirl his gin and tonic around. 10 minutes later. "I see you aren't gonna make the first move cutie." The female vampire said taking a seat next to Dennis. Dennis smiled a bit, but it didn't last too long. "So what's with the 3-piece? You coming from a wedding?" She asked pinching at the suit. Dennis shrugged her hand away. "Oh..." The vampire guessed. "I'm Samantha." She said grabbing a martini. "Dennis." He said downing the last of his tonic. "Well Dennis, howabout we hit the dance floor." She suggested. Dennis remained slumped for a second before getting up. "This will be worse if you let it all go." She said giving his shoulder a firm squeeze as she led him to the dance floor. She put her hand on his shoulder, and his hand found her waist as they reached a slow dance. It reminded Dennis of the night with Winnie. "100 years." Dennis whispered as Samantha lay her head on his chest. "She didn't deserve you." She said. "Thank you." Dennis said. Later. Dennis went upstairs with Samantha too her room. "Wait." Dennis said when they reached it. "I know." Samantha said giving him a quick kiss. "Just a drink." She said. "My children, i need to check on them." Dennis said. Samantha looked at him and nodded. "Just knock when you return... I understand." She said smiling. Dennis nodded and left. After getting too his room he found no one, and after trying to find Wayne and Wanda, he discovered they all left... And with his children. "She said she needed to see them! Dennis i am so sorry!" Mavis said as the hotel's people began searching everywhere for them. "Forget it." Dennis said going up the steps. He came too Samantha's room and knocked. "Come in." She said. Dennis opened the door and Samantha by the window completely naked, admiring the view of the grasslands. She turned her head. "I heard... I will not leave you." She said. "I don't care." Dennis said coming forward and kissing her passionately.

Sorry if it's short. hope you like it n stuff

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