chapter 21

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Vlad flew Dennis back home while certain hang in the distance of what there was too come. "Are you alright?" Vlad asked Dennis. Dennis remained silent. Vlad felt tired after awhile, so Dennis decided to hunt before running too test out his muscles, which he found helped him travel twice as fast as a vampire. "So that's how Winnie always beat me at tag." dennis said laughing before thinking suddenly. "Will she still love me as a werewolf?" He wondered. "Will she love me after what happened with Samantha?" He began to realize that even if he could save Winnie, what would happen in the process... Would things be okay? Who's blood would be spilled? "Dennis!" Vlad said as he ran into a tree by accident. "Oof... s'alright i'm fine." He said getting out and cracking his back. "Ow, wow werewolves have more nerves then a vampire." He said rubbing his head. "Vampire's nerves are usually dried within the first 10 years due to lack of blood." Vlad said. "The God of Anthropology not only gave you the powers of a werewolf but made it as though you were always a werewolf." Vlad said noticing how well he felt things. "We should be home soon." Dennis said. "I'll do the talking." Vlad said. 15 minutes later they were back at the hotel. "Vlad! Where's Dennis?!" Mavis demanded. Dennis remained at the forest hearing the entire argument with his canine ears. "Dennis! You can come here now." Vlad called. Dennis came forward on all fours. "Hi mom." Dennis said nervously. "Can we change him back?" Mavis asked. "Maybe after, but now we need to plan." Vlad said. After 30 minutes everyone was together. "All i need is to get one for a test." Dennis said. "Actually." Dracula said bringing a cage forward. "He fell into the fire pits and survived." He said showing them a burnt male vampire. Dennis went in and sank his teeth into the victims arm. "AGH!" It cried. Suddenly the vampire shook and shivered as though he were in a seizure, almost identical to Winnie's over a hundred years ago. Soon his fur grew back and he regained his health after the transformation. The werewolf shook his head awakening. "Hey? I'm back in the hotel!" The werewolf said recognizing the place. "Dennis? What's going on and why am i in a cage, and why are you a werewolf?" the werewolf said. "Wait? Wilbur?" Dennis said recognizing him as one of Winnie's brothers. "Yeah!" Wilbur said. "Oh... Now i remember." He said seeing the people around him. "I swear... It wasn't me." Wilbur said. "Winnie came into our room one night... She bit us all while we slept, we all awoke while that awful scream ensued... My nerves shivered, and my mind went numb." He said gasping with sadness. "It's okay." Dennis said opening the cage. "We need your help Wilbur." Dracula said. "Anything Uncle Drac." Wilbur said wagging his tail excitedly. "Are we ready?" Dennis as his family came to his side. "To the Carpathians!" He shouted darting like a bullet with Wilbur at his side.

little short... One chapter or two after this and then it's over guys, i loved making this fanfic and am so happy you all loved it :)

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