The King Of Blood

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When I got into The Palace, I couldn't move because it was so beautiful and scary that I couldn't even speak. Everything was made out of gold but it’d been painted red.

I knew it was gold because underneath the red you could see the gold glittering and gleaming, but that just seemed to make the red more evil and menacing.

Like blood.

I gulped.

I was suddenly very afraid, my knees were knocking and the blood was pounding in my ears. Lucy was making this weird whimpering noise and Will's confident stride had turned into a slow walk, with his head bowed; as if this place brought back bad memories.

I wanted to run out of there as fast as my legs could carry me but I knew I had a duty to do. Also the doors had locked by themselves with a loud banging noise that sounded ten times as worse because it echoed.

There was a golden staircase right in front of us and a red carpet going down them.

Suddenly there was a noise that sounded a lot like a trumpet and two guards came down the stairs.

"All hail, The King of Blood," one of them said proudly. Wow, I thought sarcastically, how original. I was shivering in anticipation and fear.

Then a short large man came waddling down the stairs. Again, with the fat people! I exclaimed in my head. They really need to introduce vegetables here! He was dressed all in red and the air went cold. I could tell he was evil like Mr Tall, but The King of Blood was the kind of person who would laugh when a war was occurring or when a city is being destroyed by a volcano. Or maybe even help them happen! That made him even scarier.

I immediately hated him and I wanted to grab a sword and run it through him right there and then, but my feet were glued to the ground.

Will bowed and gestured for us to do the same. Lucy did but I didn't. He wasn't worth bowing for.

The King of Blood reached the end of the staircase and raised his eyebrows when he saw I wasn't bowing. He walked over to me and I started sweating freely. He was so close now that we were almost nose to nose. His breath stank and his pupils were a bright red. I fidgeted and he spoke for the first time.

"Who are you and what do you want?" he said loudly. Will walked up to The King. In my head, I was imagining all the horrible things I would do to The King if I was Queen.

"I am here on my own business, my Lord," he said. "I need to talk to you about our deal,"

I frowned, interrupting my gruesome thoughts. What was he talking about?

The King moved over to Lucy who looked like she was about to pass out.

"And you, little girl?” The King said rudely. I exploded.

"Hey, don't speak to her like that!" I yelled indignantly. How dare he speak down to her like that!

His eyes raked over mine and I felt myself wishing to obey him. I struggled against his power but to no avail.

"What are you doing here?" he asked again and this time I had to answer him truthfully.

"We were sent here by Mr Tall," I answered reluctantly. The King froze when I said Mr Tall's name and he gestured to the guards, who came and grabbed Lucy and I, handcuffed us and dragged us down to where I assumed the dungeons were.

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