Chapter 18

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A/N- Mature content towards the end of the chapter. Enjoy!

Word count~ 1,744

Jack's POV

Alex helped me out of the car, laughing at me for the issue in my pants. 

"Damn Jack, you never told me you were a horny drunk." He said with a laugh. I shrugged my shoulders. 

"It never came up." I slurred out. We got to his front door and he told me to be quiet because his parents are home, I just nod my head. He unlocks the door and we sneak upstairs to his room, as soon as we walk through his bedroom door I trip. Alex is standing above me laughing really hard. I groan and role onto my back. I sit up and look at Alex through my lashes. 

"You look cute Lex," I slur out. He grins and blushes. He walks over to his dresser and tosses me a pair of pajamas. "Lex, I don't wanna move. Will you dress me?" I giggle out. He deadpanned and sighed. 

"Jack, you are 17 years old and you want your boyfriend to dress you?" I just nod and he sighs, he gets down on the floor next to me and sits across my knees. He pulls at the bottom of my shirt and he pulls it over my head. I giggle as he pulls the other shirt over my head. 

"Do I have to change your pants too?" He groaned. I give him a big toothy smile and nod my head. 

"Ugh" He unbuttons my jeans, and pulls them down to about the middle of my thigh and he moves so he can move them down the rest of the way. I look at him and realize he's blushing, bad. I smirk. 

"Jack pick up your butt so I can pull these up the rest of the way." He whined. Instead, I grab the back of his head pull him forward to meet my lips, causing him to stumble forward straddling my hips. He shifted slightly making me groan, I felt him smirk against my lips. He started rocking his hips back and forth on top of me making me groan. I put my hand on his lower back and flipped us to where I was on top. That didn't last long. Alex flipped us back over pinning my hands above my head. I love how the cute, shy boy is so dominant. He continued grinding his hips against mine, till we pulled apart after what felt like forever.

He looked away with a blush on his face. I look down to realize that the myth about guys not being able to get it up when they're drunk is not true. I blush and pull my pants up the rest of the way. 

"I uh, I'll sleep on the floor tonight." I stutter out. 

"No, you can sleep in the bed with me." I cock my head to the side. 

"Are you sure? I'll be fine sleeping on the floor." I tell him as I begin to sober up some. 

"No, get in the bed, you're going to sleep next to me whether you want to or not." He stated firmly, I smirk and nod. I climb into the bed next to him, He turns over to where his back is against my chest. 


"Yeah?" I heard him sigh 

"I promise one day I'l be ready." 

"It's okay Lex, we can wait." I whisper to him. 

"Thank you,". He turns and faces me. 

"Jack, you know I'll do anything I can to keep people from bullying you because of who you are right?" He said, his voice cracking. I prop myself up on my elbow and look him in the eye. 

"I know, but you don't have to do anything that will put you in more danger Lex, I love you, you know this. All I care about is that you're safe." I tell him as sincerely as I can with the amount of alcohol in my system. He sniffled. 

"I know, but still. I hope you understand one day that what I do is to help keep you safe, I know you don't want me to, but I am, and I want you to know that no matter what happens I love you, I love you so much." He said strained. I wrap my arm around him and pulled him into my chest. 

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