Chapter 6

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Word count~ 923

Alex's POV

I woke up the following morning with a text from Jack, he told me to wait for him in the bathroom we met in yesterday. I got up extra early this morning because I won't have time to change before I go over to his house. I don't know why I'm making such a big deal out of us hanging out. Once my hair is sprayed perfectly into place, and I make sure I'm wearing my best black jeans, and a blink-182 shirt I head off to school. 

I get to school an hour before school started. Why? Because Jack wanted to meet before class. He seemed really genuine when he said that he wanted to be friends with me. But if he is, Chase and his friends will find out and make his life hell, and I don't want that to happen, and I know he doesn't either.

I wait in the bathroom for about 5 minutes for Jack before someone that I had been trying my best avoid, walks in. Ronnie Radke. He sees me and smirks. 

"Alex, nice to see you again. How was your summer" he asked while walking closer to me. 

 "It-it was good, h-how was yours?" I ask nervously. He smirks at me and continues walking closer to me until my back is against the wall. He leans in, placing his lips next to my ear.

"I'm happy that I have that much of an affect on you" He said making me shudder and my skin crawl. He's so close that I can feel his hot breath on my neck. I start praying to whatever is listening that Jack get's here soon.

"So Alex." He starts.

"Are you still the sweet little virgin that I remember from last year?" He asks teasingly. I don't answer him. 

"Get on your knees Gaskarth, other wise I won't let you walk out of here." I feel tears start to burn my eyes as Ronnie pulls me into the closest stall and pushes me down to the ground with his crotch in my face. By now I'm choking back sob's. Trying my very best to not let him know.

Ronnie unzips his zipper and shoves his dick in my mouth. 

"Do it right and swallow, or I'll make you do it again. Got it?" I just nod my head. My thoughts are running wild while tears are running down my face. 

 "Stop crying Gaskarth" He spit as he placed his hands on the back of m head, holding it in place. Ronnie grabs the back of my head forcing himself so far down my throat that I can't breathe. He finally pulled back and his thrusts started getting sloppier, next thing I know he shoots down my throat. If I don't swallow he will make me do it again or do something worse. I swallowed. 

"God job Alex, you tell anyone about any of this I promise I will kill you. " he fixes his pants and walks out of the bathroom.

I crawl over to the toilet and stick my fingers down my throat, I don't want that in my stomach, I have to throw up.
After about 10 minutes and throwing up 2 times.
I set myself up against the wall and check my phone. I have a message from Jack.

Hey lex, I'm sorry, I can't meet you this morning, but we are still on to hang out after school if you want to. I'll see you in second period!

Just reading that message makes me want to smile because he called me Lex. I want to cry, Jack is going to find out about what happened and laugh at me, he's going to make fun of me because I can't stand up for myself.

I pull myself off of the ground and go over to the sink and scrub my hands and my mouth. I have to scrub my face too, to get the tear tracks and my puffy eyes to go away. I walk out of that awful bathroom and head to first period. Praying that this day won't get any worse.

Jack's POV

I had set an alarm to get up early enough to make myself look decent but my alarm didn't go off. I woke up at 6:45 having to leave the house at 7 if I'm going to make it to first period on time.

I jump out of bed and take the quickest shower known to man, and do my hair and throw on some clothes that were on the floor that don't smell too bad. As I'm grabbing my bag and shoes I text Alex

To: Alex

Hey lex, I'm sorry, I can't meet you this morning, but we are still on to hang out after school if you want to. I'll see you in second period!

I feel really bad not being able to meet him this morning. I can't wait to hang out with him this afternoon. I really want him to open up to me. He doesn't deserve to be bullied the way he is. Maybe I can try to get Chase to lay off of him some, but I would have to do it so he wouldn't suspect anything. 

I really hate having to lie to Alex about me being gay. Maybe I can trust him with that, I mean I don't even know if he actually is gay other than what Chase has said. Who knows, maybe we can end up together one day.

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