Chapter 25 (Final)

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This is the final chapter. I hope you enjoy! Smut warning!

Word count: 4,598

Alex's POV

I woke up the following morning to a clicking sound and a bright light. I attempt to roll over and groan, but it seems like I am on top of someone. I open my eyes slowly, to see I am laying on top of Jack with him still asleep. I groan again and roll off of him. As soon as I was off of him he snakes his arm around me and pulls me back. I sigh, knowing I'm not going to win against a sleeping Jack. 

I go to snuggle back down when I hear a familiar click of a camera and a flash of light and then what sounds like giggling. I push myself off of Jack's chest and turn around. I see Emily, May, and Hannah. Wait, why is Hannah here? 

"Hannah? What are you doing here, and what the hell are you guys doing with a camera?" I ask as I sit on Jack's hips. 

"I'm here because you're graduating tomorrow. The camera is out because we came to wake you guys up but you guys just looked so cute." Hannah gushed. I feel heat rise in my cheeks so I bury my face in my hands. I take my hands away and go to say something but Jack rolls over causing me to fall off of him and onto the floor. The room erupts with laughter causing Jack to sit up, looking very confused. 

"Why are there three girls in my room. Where's Alex?" He asks sleepily. 

"On the floor you dipshit." I groan out. He leans over to look over the edge of the bed at me, 

"How did you end up down there?" He asks, causing the girls to laugh harder. 

"You pulled me on top of you, I woke up and I was sitting on you talking to them." I say and point to the girls. 

"Then you rolled over making me fall off of you and the bed. Now help me up, I'm cold and my butt hurts." He laughs at me, and then holds his hand out for me to get up. I get up and sit back on the edge of the bed. 

"But as I was saying earlier. Why were you taking pictures of us sleeping?" I say as Jack grabs my back. May shrugged her shoulders. 

"I don't know, you guys looked cute. Plus, when you guys get married it would be a cute picture to look back on." When she said that I blushed hard. I hear Jack groan beside me. 

"The females should leave, I want to do something." He mumbled into my bare side. 

"What is something you can't do in front of us?" I hear Emily ask. I open my mouth to tell her not to challenge Jack, but before I could, Jack pulled me on top of him to where I was straddling his hips, he grabbed my neck to pull me down and attach our lips.  

"Please don't have sex in front of me, I don't need to be scarred for life."  Emily said frantically, causing everyone to break out in laughter. Once the laughter died down, Hannah spoke up. 

"Well, get up and get dressed. Both of you, breakfast is ready and is down stairs." She says while shutting the door. I sit up and look down at Jack. 

"You talk in your sleep you know." He says while looking up at me. I felt heat rise into my cheeks. 

"No I don't." He laughed at me lightly. 

"Wanna know what you were talking about?" He said with a smirk playing at his lips. I nod slowly. 

"You were mumbling about, Peanut Butter, Hand Cuffs, and you kept saying my name" He said with a wide toothy grin on his face. I put my face in my hands, knowing I look like a tomato . I roll off and get out of bed. 

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