It's You

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(Note: Loooong chap, and inaccurate...I think)

Recording my debut album was tasky. I never knew that this breakthrough would take too much time. I felt happy that Ben supported me in this album. He was not only helping in the production, but also off-air.

Anyway, I felt that helping him with his album with Björn was somewhat returning the favor for everything Benny did. At the same time, it was also a fun time to bond with Anna.

The four of us were in the studio one day, and Anna and I were tasked to record backing vocals for a song. "You ready Frida?" Anna asked, smiling.

"Of course." I replied. Woah! Butterflies ... butterflies ... and rainbows... It was just a good time between us.

The boys were behind a glass window, listening and working for improvements.  Both of them gave signals to us. I was actually feeling relieved that both of my angels and big brother was there. I felt light, and happy that I didn't feel tired after repeating the recording.

So far, the records were great...for me, I guess. The guys seemed to want a better performance for Anna and I. I saw their faces, they really wanted more though I felt we were at our best. But seriously, for the love of music, we are humans who needed breaks. So little sister, Anna, gave the guys a signal to give her a moment to enter the soundbooth.

She pulled my hand (I followed her), then she opened the door to get out of the recording studio. Then we entered the soundbooth. She went...barged inside the studio, and still pulling me in.

She then made a cute face to Björn when she asked for a break (though she was a bit angry). "Babe, can we have a break?" She childishly asked. Man! She was so cute.

He then approached her, and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "But we have to finish this today, or else everything will be delayed."

"Just five minutes." Then she gave a smile, "please...".

I was just smiling along with them, and I looked at Benny in the eyes. I was asking him the same thing using eye contact, while I was leaning on the doorway with my arms crossed. He actually gave me a smile, and I knew what it meant ---there would be a break.

Anna and Björn kept arguing cutely about having a break. Someone had to intervene though. Benny stood up from his chair and went to the lovebirds, "You're wasting everyone's time arguing slash flirting when we can use the time for a break. So yeah, break it you two."

"Okay...okay... We can take a break. Sorry Anna."

"I'm sorry babe." Then she kissed Björn on the cheek and went out to the washroom.

I was about to follow Anna outside when I heard the men talking. I overheard Benny asking,

"When are you going to pop the question to Anna?"

I looked back, and I saw the two of them smiling and laughing. Then I heard Björn's reply, "After this session, perhaps..."

After hearing their conversation, I went out and maximized my break time. I couldn't bear listening to the rest of the conversation. I followed Anna to the washroom. I saw her already done washing her hands, and drying them.

I wondered if Anna would accept Björn's proposal today. I was preoccupied when Anna saw me. "Hey Frida? You okay? Tired?"

I looked at her and said: "Hey Anna! I'm just fine. I just needed a break as well. Can I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead..." She replied as she continued to fix herself while I went inside the cubicle.

"Can you hear me?"

"Go Fri, ask me anything."

"What if Björn proposes to you today, are you going to accept it?"

"Honestly Frida, I am going to. He's such a nice guy, and I already told you before that I am falling for him. I don't care if we argued earlier. We just have to accept who we really are, because we just love each other."

I went out of the cubicle and washed my hands as Anna continued: "I bet that's the reason why you did the same thing for Benny. You just fall for a person for who they really are."

"Whether it was their perfections and flaws, you are actually right." Then I teased Anna, "Little sister's growing up." I pat her shoulder after.

"Dang Fri! Your hand is wet! Here's my revenge!!!" She opened the faucet and sprinkled water on me. We were like kids, but it was part of the fun times in the studio.

"Let's get back in the studio, Anna. Big Brother and Teddy Bear might be looking for us."

"Haha with the nicknames Fri, but sure. Let's go."

So I put an arm on her shoulder as we went back to the studio. The guys were able to see us happily entering the room. Then I looked at the sound booth, separated through a glass window. And Benny was mouthing something on me...something like "You can do this." He smiled again. Oh the feelings!

Of course I was relieved and re-energized, but it was more intense seeing Anna happily working with me. She then asked, "We can do this. We're one team for music and love."

After that break, the recording for the backing vocals went fine. The boys were glad, and they called us in the soundbooth. We listened to it one more time, and it was soooooo...good. It sounded like perfection between the harmony and melody. Our voices, with the guys was beyond "WOW!"

"You liked it," Benny asked me while I was sitting on his lap.

"Yes. I want more though it's tiring. Will my album be the same as that? 'Cause the music just sounded so great..." I brushed his hair while saying those things.

"Why wouldn't I do that for the woman I love?" Then he kissed me. Woah! My eyes widened. I felt love and relief from the man I've fallen in love with.

We broke the kiss after we heard Big Brother and Little Sister laughing so hard. Ben and I looked at them.

Björn was about to put out a little box from his pocket, but he decided not to. He excused himself for a while and went to the washroom. We've noticed that he was shaky, that somewhat confirmed what I heard earlier. Then Ben whispered to me, "He's gonna ask the question. But I don't think he'll ask; he'll just show the ring." He giggled, while I gave Anna a grin. But I was slightly off after Benny confirmed it...

"What's with my baby? Did I do something wrong? And why are you two lovebirds laughing about?"

"You'll see..." We answered.

"Hey there!" Björn called as he came back opening the door. He was holding a ring on his hand while waiting by the doorway, and Anna just happily rushed and hugged him. "It's you!" She kissed him, let go, and gave him those puppy eyes, "Oh! I love you so much that you don't even have to ask me."

She choose him. I should be happy for the princess. I was happy to see her happy, but it also hurt me. Perhaps I was just too late and shy to tell her my true feelings. I was torn for the nth time. Their cuddle just reminded me of the people who left me. It felt worse than 1968 ---that longing for Anna to be mine. I felt selfish then silly.

Why would she pick me, anyway? Sweetie, you are a woman!  How could I have forgotten about that? Beside, I was engaged to a man who was like an angel for me. It would not be fair if I kept having these feelings for Anna.

Benny then looked at me, "Frida?"

"It's you." I gave my angel a kiss, as I tried to let go of the hurt from what I just saw. But also, I tried to let his love fill me 'cause she and I just couldn't work out.

"Let's finish your album tomorrow, okay?" He looked at me, then he announced "That's a wrap."

We left the studio. Let us call this storytelling a day. :)

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