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No matter how hard we tried to keep our relationship. Time and fate seemed to be against us.

Distance and time kept us apart. It came to a point that we forgot how much we loved each other.

She got married. I got married. We both took another leap another time. Why not give another try?

A year after I got married, she broke up with her second husband again for the same reason -lack of time. But there was more than that.

"Frida, I missed you." Those were the words she told me on the phone.

I missed her too, but I was having second thoughts. First, she was the first one to let go. Second, I did the same way although I tried to reconcile with her. Finally, I found my happiness after she broke my heart.

"Anna, I missed you too. But I don't think we can still work it out. I'm sorry." I never wanted to reply that way, but I needed peace. I wanted to forget such foolish things. "Anna," I sobbed. "I'm really sorry about this. I'm sorry for breaking my promise. But you broke my heart." I was crying for her. I wanted her back, but it was too much to handle.

"If that makes you happy...if you really wish it, then I wish you happiness. I truly love you, even if I..." She was sobbing on the other line too. "I have to let you go. Bye Frida." Then she quickly dropped the phone.

What is wrong with me? What happened to the love that I have been fighting for decades? Gosh! It was a mistake I made. WHAT ON EARTH WAS I DOING? I BROKE HER AGAIN.

Gosh! I want her back so bad. I wanted to call her back, but I had to give her space.

I tried calling her for years, but I could not reach her anymore. I tried to visit her when I return to Sweden, but she's gone.

Did she move? Was she truly hiding from me?

The right timing was during my birthday. I was happy to know that I was 50. I was glad that I reached that point of life with a man by my side, and supportive family and friends. However, I felt sad that Anna and I never lasted. I still missed her.

I called Anna, because I wanted to do one last album in Swedish.

"Hello? Is this Anna?" I softly asked.

"Yes. It's me. Who is this?" She sounded cheerful.

"Anni-Frid..." I softly replied.

"Hey Frida. I missed you. How are you?" She replied as if nothing was wrong.

"Fine. Enjoying life."

"Oh! Happy birthday by the way. Sorry I couldn't be there."

What was she talking about? Was she thinking we were still together? Or was it a call for a second chance?

"Thanks, angel." Those words just slipped out of my mouth. I really missed my angel. "Maybe you could do something for me."

"Like what? Reconcile?"

"Kind of... I wanted to record a song with you for my upcoming album."

"You wanted me? Oh come on Frida, even if I wanted to, I don't want the others to expect a reunion."

"No? What a birthday gift!" I acted angrily on the phone.

"You wanted me when there are other artists who are better."

"But I thought you love me."

"Frida, are you crazy!?" She shouted at me.

She had a point. I sounded selfish. "But Anna, have you lost our love for music and life? We're doing this for a cause."

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