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Posted: March 1st, 2016

11. Austin

"I don't want you to leave" Rowan sighs into my neck as we lay in my bed, my fingers skimming her back.

"I know, you can still go with me" I chuckle, about half-serious.

"You know I can't" She frowns "If I could I would"

"I wish you could" I pout, and she kisses my lips, smiling softly.

"I do too"

"I'll come back as soon as possible" I whisper, leaning my forehead against hers.

"Austin" She frowns "You can't just live out here" She sighs "I don't want to keep you from Miami"

"You're not, I can manage everywhere from one place. That's what I did in Miami, so why can't I do that here?" I shrug.

"I guess you're right" She nods, leaning her head on my chest "I'll still miss you though"

"I'll miss you too. But we still have two hours" I shrug, and she sighs.

"That's still not that long"

"I know Baby" I kiss her temple "And I hate to say it, but all I want to do is sleep"

"Me too, set an alarm for an hour and then we can sleep and put clothes on" She whispers, wrapping an arm around my waist. I put an alarm on like Rowan said, and slide my phone into my pocket, placing a hand on Rowans hip. Within minutes, she falls asleep, and I do too not long after.


My phone vibrates him my pocket, my alarm going off. I sigh and pull it out of my pocket, turning it off "Ro" I whisper, kissing her cheek "Wake up Baby"

"No" She whines.

"Why not?"

"Because if I stay sleeping, you won't leave" She whispers, and I grin.

"But, if you wake up, you can spend more time with me" I chuckle, rolling out of bed and pulling on a pair of boxers. I grab my suitcase from my closet and walk it to my front door, sitting it in the corner so it's there when I leave. I walk back into my room as Rowan is pulling on a pair of jeans.

"Why do you wait until I leave to put clothes on?" I pout, and she flips me off, laughing loudly. She pulls on her she pulls on her shirt, and sits down on my bed holding out her hands. I take her hands in mine and stand between her legs.

"Give me a kiss" She puckers her lips, and I cup her face, leaning down to press my lips to hers.

"Come on, we better get going" I sigh, pulling her up from the bed. She whines quietly as we walk out of my penthouse, one of my hands in hers while the other carries my suitcase. We take the elevator down and meet Charlie at the car, him opening the door for us.

He gets in and drives us to the airport, parking outside "Ms. Rowan, I'll drive you home after Austin leaves" Charlie says, and Rowan smiles.

"Thank you" She says, getting out of the car. I walk to the counter, and check in with my plane ticket, the lady telling me the flight will be called in about twenty minutes.

We sit making jokes for a while, until my flight is called.

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