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Posted: June. 14, 2016

Tomorrow is my last day of school and I'm so fucking excited!!!!!!

I have a mask on my face... It's weird and I can't move my mouth.

62. Austin.

"There's my beautiful baby" I wrap my arms around her, as she rummages through the closet for something to wear.

"I look awful" She runs out of the closet and I follow after her.

"No you don't. You look amazing" I kiss her temple.

"But I feel like my butt is hanging out and it makes me feel dirty" She pouts and I chuckle, cupping her face.

"No it isn't" I pinch her butt in my hand "I love it"

"Of course you'd say that" She rolls her eyes.

"Baby, you look absolutely gorgeous and have nothing to worry about" I kiss her lips softly.

"No, I need to change" She shakes her head, beginning to walk away.

"No you don't" I keep her from walking away.

"Austin, this is your grandfather. He's a big deal" She sighs "I can go looking like this"

"Rowan, he already loves you. Calm down and let's go" I run my hand soothingly along her arms.

"Okay okay" She sighs, pulling on a jacket. We walk down the steps and to my car, Rowan getting into the drivers seat.

"Oh no" I shake my head.

"Oh yes" She nods, and I sigh, getting into the passenger seat. She drives off to the restaurant where we're meeting my grandfather. We climb out of the car, my hand reaching out for hers and she laughs, sliding her hand in mine. We walk inside, my granddad meeting us at the door.

"Hey, Granddad"

"Hi" He smiles, patting my back "I already have a table, but I figured I'd come back up here to wait for you" He walks us to the table, Rowan and I sitting down across from him in the booth. Our waitress comes over and gets our drinks and orders, before walking away to put them in.

"So, Rowan, I heard you're from Argentina..." My granddad trails off and Rowan nods.

"Yes, at least that's where my mom and her side of the family are from. I was born here"

"Do you ever go back to visit your family?" He asks.

"Very often actually, I'm actually going back to Argentina in a couple weeks" She smiles, and I bite my lip at the fact that I had no idea. Her and my granddad talk more about Argentina and what her and her family do whenever they're there all while I wonder why the hell she's never told me about going to Argentina.

"I haven't gone as often as I had liked the past few months, so I'm staying for a lot longer than usual this time around" Rowan takes a sip from her wine glass.

"Who's going with you?" He asks, and my ears perk up.

"As of right now, just my mom, my best friend and I" She shrugs, and I look around the restaurant, going back to ignoring their conversation. I snap back in when Rowan places her hand on my thigh, squeezing lightly "You okay?" She asks quietly, and I nod.



"I don't think you know what you're getting" My granddad chuckles to Rowan, the two of them sitting down at the bar.

"Oh please, I've got this. Argentines love Tequila" She giggles, my granddad ordering 10 shots of tequila.

"Would you like a chaser?" He teases, and Rowan rolls her eyes.

"Of course not, I was basically bottle fed tequila" She laughs taking five of the shots. They race to down them, Rowan finishing first with  loud cheer, my granddad laughing loudly.

"I'm impressed"

"I cannot believe I'm having  drinking contest" She giggles, ordering another ten. They race to down them again, my granddad stopping after he does three, watching as Rowan finishes all of them "C'mon old man" She smacks his shoulder lightly.

"This old man did not know what he was getting into" He laughs, sliding the last two shots to Rowan, and she easily swallows them down, spinning around on her stool to face me. She takes my hands in hers and kisses my cheek, my granddad standing up from the stool "I'm going to head out, I'll see you guys soon"

"You're not driving right?" I grab his wrist and he nods.

"I took a cab here, I'm not an idiot" He chuckles, waving to us as he walks out.

"Your granddad is fucking great" Rowan slurs.

"You know what's even better?" I ask, picking up Rowan, her legs wrapping around my waist.

"What?" She asks "Wait don't answer!" She covers my mouth with her hand "I wanna guess" She taps her chin, thinking hard "Oh, I know" She smirks "You silly boy"

"I don't think we're on the same page here" I shake my head.

"Oh yes we are" She winks, getting into the passenger seat of my car, putting on her seatbelt. I drive us back home, and Rowan stumbles into our house, and to our bedroom, leaving  trail of her clothes which I pick up as they fall to the floor, following her into our room.

She mutters words in Spanish as she stumbles and nearly falls, her cat running out of the room as Rowan nearly steps on him. She falls out onto the bed, pulling my by my belt buckle to stand between her legs "What are you doing?" I ask her and she giggles.

"Nothing" She shakes her head, trying to undo my belt buckle.

"Absolutely not" I grab her wrists, pulling them away from my belt.

"Why not Papi?" She smirks, wrapping her legs around my waist.

"Don't think I forgot about your ribs Baby" I lean down to kiss her nose. [A/N: How many of you guys forgot?😂]

"But they're better" She pouts.

"The doctor said 5 to 6 weeks, if you wore the brace, which I know you don't wear"

"It's so uncomfortable" She whines "Austin" She pouts.

"Nope, not until you're better" I shake my head.

"But, it's been over a month" She sits up "I need my Papi" She kisses my chest, and I run my hands down her back slowly.

"Not until the doctor says you're better" I kiss her forehead.

"You're so mean" She frowns, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I'm not mean, I just don't want to hurt you"

"But you won't" She pouts "Please"

"You're drunk okay? You need to sleep and I'll make you a doctors appointment" I walk to the bathroom to get undressed knowing that if I did in front of Rowan she'd pull her 'Papi' shit and try to have sex with me.

And I don't know how much longer I can say.

"Ro, do you remember that doctors na-" I cut myself off when I see Rowan asleep in bed, clutching her pillow and I smile. I walk over to the light and turn it off, seeing Rowan's cat sitting outside the door "You coming in or?" I look down at him and he meows before walking into the room, jumping up on the bed. I leave the door cracked in case he wants to leave and climb into bed beside Rowan, kissing her forehead lightly "I love you Baby" I lay on my back, her cat making a bed out of my chest, his head resting on my chin.

I hope you enjoyed this
I love you all



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