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Jason's POV

I needed to be on my best game for her. I couldn't figure out why I cared so much about her, but I did. I made a vow to her, not verbally, that I would do whatever it takes. It was foolish of me to take on such responsibility for her but I couldn't help it.

I found myself sitting in the trailer at the secret location for filming. Miley and I hadn't talked much in the past 24 hours. Other than the conversation on the plane we only talked about her schedule if that. She was quiet and I seemed to be growing fond of the silence we shared.

Now, I was alone and left with my thoughts. I was starting to feel extremely lonely, I hated that feeling, and I was starting to crave her presence which was even worse. I sat down at the table and studied her schedule for the rest of the week. Trying to think of anything else but her.

"Did you see what the director posted on Instagram?" Miley said collapsing on the couch next to me. I looked up and saw looking at me waiting for a response.

"Uh, no?" I said. I honestly didn't even notice her come into the trailer.

I don't even know what she is talking about because I am too busy reviewing her schedule for the rest of the week and, if I'm honest, I already know her schedule backward and forward. Even though I am not her assistant, I need to have her schedule memorized so I know where she is and where she needs to be at all times. Perhaps I was overthinking this.

"Earth to Jason!" She said jumping to her feet and walked towards the table I was sitting at. "What are you doing?" She asked staring at me and the planner that was in front of me.

"Memorizing your schedule," I said looking back down at the planner. 

Why was I getting so caught up in her? 

"Why?" She asked. I don't think she realized how annoying this was for me. No, I didn't want to be alone but I also didn't want her distractions especially when she needed me to be on my A-game for her.

"Because I am in charge of always knowing where you are and where you need to be." I shrugged letting out a sharp sigh hoping that she would leave me be, but I knew that would be almost impossible for her.

"Oh," She said finally sitting down in the chair next to me instead of staring over my shoulder. "Anyways, as I was saying when I walked into the trailer, did you see what the director posted on Instagram?" She said looking at her phone.

"No," I shrugged. I am not sure where she is going with this but I just wanted to get back to my work.

"Wait, do you even know what Instagram is?" She asked looking at me with shock written all over her face.

"No?" I questioned as if that was a bad thing. Miley gasped at my answer. What was the big deal?

"Oh my god," she said as she reached over and grabbed my phone.

"What are you doing?" I asked instead of stopping her. 

"Making you an Instagram," She said with a 'duh' expression. 

It isn't a rare expression in her life, she always gave people that expression and most of the time it is me who receives the expression. At times it made me smile, others annoyed me.

"I don't think I want an Instagram." I said shaking my head before reaching for my phone.

"Too bad," she rolled her eyes as she maneuvered her way around my phone.

"What do you want your user name to be?" She asked giving me her full attention.

"I don't know," I shrugged. I watched as she thought about it for a few moments.

I am not interested in whatever Instagram is. I just want to continue studying her schedule. I just haven't exactly figured out how to tell her 'no'. It's not that she doesn't like being told 'no', it's that I don't like telling her 'no'.

Oh, who am I kidding? Miley made me weak and I did what she asked for because, well, I find her adorable.

"Fine, I made a user name up myself." She said with a smile, a confident one to say the least.

"What is my username?" I asked even though I am trying to play it off that I am not interested but deep down, I am.

"It's @bodygaurdjason," she said glancing at me and giving her signature smile.

"Wonderful," I rolled my eyes with a shake of my head.

Before I knew what she was doing a heard a click and she had already snapped a picture me.

"Perfect, #candid." She winked and I rolled my eyes.

"Are you done?" I asked giving her a somewhat pleading look.

"Yes, but you have to post a picture at least once a week, or else. Also, I already followed myself on your account and I will follow you on mine. Once my fans know you have an Instagram, you will be famous." She said handing me my phone back and grabbing her own.

"What if I don't want to be famous?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows together.

"You can make your profile private if you want." She shrugged.

"Okay, how do I do that?" I asked looking at my phone. I am not the most tech-savvy person.

"Just click on your profile, go to settings and click 'make private'." She said looking over my shoulder as I did it. It took me a moment before I realized how close we were and I inched away from her.

She quickly moved away from me when she realized how close we were and walked over to the couch without saying anything.

"Next time, we will make you a twitter." She said before collapsing on the couch with her smile still on full display.

"Sounds wonderful," I said sarcastically.

"You will love it." She giggled not bothering to reply to my sarcasm.

"Alright, alright." I sighed hoping this conversation would be over.

After I went over her schedule a few more times, I looked over to see that she had drifted to sleep. Poor girl, she has been working herself crazy the past few weeks with this new movie. I told her dad that she needs a break but he doesn't seem to listen to my advice. In fact, if you even tell Miley something she doesn't like she will do the complete opposite just to spite you. It was rather humorous.

I get it, her parents are always breathing down her back and trying to control her life. Miley needs space. She is 23 years old after all and I feel bad for her but I would never say anything like that to her face.

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