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Jason's p.o.v

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around the room I found myself in. Am I at a hospital? What happened?

I jolted forward as all of the memories started to come back to me. This was X's work. Where is Miley?

I attempted to get out of the bed, only to fall on my ass. I had broken my leg and it is now in a cast.

"Fuck," I rasped as pain filled me.

I did my best at getting off of the ground and back into the bed. We weren't in an American hospital, and I had no idea how any of this worked. I did my best to find a button to call in a nurse but nothing made sense and my head was still foggy from the previous events.

I was starting to freak out when I realized that I still don't know where Miley is. I need to find her and I needed her to be okay.

"Jason, you're awake!" Miley said as she walked into the room. Shook all over her face.

A calmness washed over me once I laid eyes on her. She was okay.

"Where were you," I said sitting on the hospital bed. I watched her closely as she walked towards me with a soft smile on her face.

"I was out getting some food for us. I found sandwiches'." She smiled as she looked at me.

Her face slowly dropped and filled with concern. She set the food down on a nearby chair and walked towards me. She quickly wrapped her arms around me and I did the same.

"I didn't mean to worry you," Miley whispered. "I'm sorry." She sighed.

The feeling of her in my arms but me at ease almost instantly. She was okay, we were okay.

"This is all my fault. I got you into this mess and now you are hurt." She said as I felt tears on my neck.

"No, this isn't your fault," I said pulling her further into my chest.

I hated that she felt responsible. It wasn't her fault that this was happening to her. And nothing was going to stop me from doing my job. At this point, it was more than just a job.

"None of this is your fault," I said squeezing her tightly trying to reassure her.

"I was so scared." Miley sobbed as she clung tightly to me.

"Hey," I said pulling away slightly so I could see her face.

I moved her hair away and looked into her eyes. I held her face in my hands and looked deeper into her eyes.

"It's going to take a lot more than a broken leg to lose me." I smiled as I leaned in to kiss her.

Miley wrapped her arms around my shoulders and pushed into the kiss. A moan escaped her mouth as my tongue entered. We slid our tongues together as we fought with one another. There something more powerful about our connection suddenly. I felt alive and truly myself with her and nothing was ever going to change that.

"We should get out of here," I said breaking away from our kiss.

"Okay," Miley said as she cupped both of my cheeks in her small hands.

"Let's go." She smiled at me and I shook my head at her adorableness.


"God, I'm so happy to be back in our little cabin." Miley giggled as she carried our things to the front door.

I am going to be on crutches for the next few weeks so I had to hobble my way through the door.

"What the fuck," I said once I walked inside and Miley turned the lights on.

"Oh my god," Miley said as she walked inside behind me.

Someone had got in while we were gone and completely destroyed the place. The furniture was broken and our belongings we scattered around the place. Miley grabbed my arm as she looked around the room in shock. I sighed.

"We need to call Sara and get the fuck out of here." I sighed as I leaned against the wall and pulled out my phone.

"I'll try and gather our stuff," Miley said in a sad tone. 

We had to move fast.

Things were continuing to get worse and my heart hurt for Miley. I can't imagine what is going on in her head. At this point, I knew that whatever I told her wouldn't really help calm her down. I did my best at trying to keep her busy with other things but this is just all too much.

"Sara, it's Jason. We need to get out of Italy now." I breathed into the phone. 

"Okay, um." She said trying to gather her thoughts.

"Get us on a private jet asap. We will be heading to the airport in the next twenty minutes." I said hanging up the phone.

I knew Sara had sensed my urgency and knew that this was important.

"Here let me help," I said walking towards Miley. 

I needed to be near her and I could sense that she needed me near her.

"Jason, I appreciate it but you need to relax. I'm almost done." She said placing her bag by the door.

"I'm going to get your stuff together and then we can leave." She said walking to my room.

I watched her as she gathered all of my things and packed it up. I was surprised at how relaxed she looked.

She started to bring stuff out to load the car. I felt bad that I couldn't do anything but I knew if I said something or tried to help she would tell me that I needed to rest.

After twenty minutes, Miley had gathered what was left of our stuff and packed the car.

"Let's go," Miley said as she got into the car. I smiled softly at her. I knew that she was doing her best to hold it together and I needed her to know that I wasn't going to leave her side.

I grabbed her hand and kissed it before sending her a soft smile.

"At least we had a good few days together," I said looking over at her.

"I'm grateful for that." She said letting out a sharp sigh.

"Just watch the road for me because this is weird." She said with a smile.

It was quite funny to watch her drive on these roads. It's not like she was a good driver, to begin with.

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