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Miley's POV

I rolled over and let out a deep grown. My whole body was feeling achy. Once I opened my eyes and found myself on the floor by the door the memories from last night came back.

I got to my feet and changed into some shorts and a loose top. I needed some fresh air and since the storm had passed I felt that I nice walk would do me some good.

I opened my bedroom door and saw that Jason was passed out on the floor.

My eyes raked over his whole body. He looked different. Tired and overworked. My heart ached when I noticed how stressed he looked, even in his sleep he still wasn't at peace.

I walked back towards my bed and grabbed a blanket to drape over his body before walking around him and going downstairs.

I wanted to stay and watch him sleep but I was in desperate need of some fresh air.

I walked downstairs and unlocked the back porch. I pulled out all the patio furniture and cleaned up. Luckily the storm didn't cause much damage to the house. After I cleaned up I went to walk upon the shore.

There was something about a sky after a storm. Today felt like a new day and there seemed to be much to offer. I felt a part of me take a deep breath and relax. Something had shifted in the air and I felt almost good.

I looked back at the house and saw Justin standing on the porch watching me. I let out a sigh and gathered my thoughts as I walked back to the house.

"Morning," Jason said with an awkward smile before shaking his head and looking away.

I could see that he was still tired and in need of more sleep. I nodded as I stood in front of him with my arms crossed.

"You look exhausted," I said shaking my head. As I studied him closer I noticed he was more than tired.

"It's been a busy few weeks," Jason shrugged.

"Why don't you go lay down in my bed and get some sleep," I said gesturing towards the house.

"Uh," Jason said shaking his head.

"The area is safe and I'm not going out. I'll stay inside and read if that makes you feel better." I said with a shrug.

"Okay," Jason said following me back into the house.

"Get some sleep," I said walking into the kitchen.

I didn't really know what to say to Jason. Seeing him like this, it was obvious that he wasn't taking good care of himself and I knew why. 

It was because of me. I was the reason that he wasn't taking care of himself.

Ugh. This man makes me so angry. And annoyed.

I took a deep breath as I began making myself something to eat. It seemed that all I could think about is Jason, and how he wasn't taking care of himself. I grew even more worried the longer that I thought about him.

I made myself a sandwich and prepared a big beef stew for dinner, mostly thinking about Jason. He looked like he needed a home-cooked meal.

After I prepared dinner I cleaned up the house and the glass that was broken last night. It didn't take me long to clean up.

I slowly walked upstairs to check on Jason since he was all that I could think about. I needed to check on him, I needed to see if he was okay because my heart wouldn't settle until I saw him again.

I made sure to be quiet because if he was sleeping I didn't want to wake him. I swiftly opened the bedroom door and saw Jason sleeping soundly in my bed. He looked slightly more relaxed. His soft snores filled my ears and made my heartbeat calm down within my chest.

I took a few steps closer to the bed so I could get a better look at his face. Jason shifted and rolled over to face me with his eyes still closed. I let out a breath I had been holding since I had entered the bedroom. It is Jason, it will always be Jason.

I took another deep breath before sitting at the edge of the bed, wanting to be close to him. I wanted to curl up in bed, under the covers, with him but I wasn't sure that was a good idea. At least, not yet.

A certain peace washed over me as I sat there watching him sleep. Seeing him again—I didn't know that was something that I needed and I found it was helpful with healing.

Though a certain doom wavered above my head. I knew that there was something more to why he was here. I could feel it. I knew he wasn't going to just tell me unless I asked. Yet, I didn't want to know. For right now, Jason is here and I am safe.

However, I do find myself wondering if Jason would have come even if I wasn't in danger. He had some pride and that makes me think that he wouldn't. I could ask him but I didn't really want to get into that.

Though, I knew that we would need to talk at some point. We needed to.

Jason shifted again and let out a soft moan which brought an unexpected smile to my face.

I gasped and covered my lips. I shouldn't be letting these feelings control me, but I couldn't seem to control myself anymore.

"Miley," Jason moaned softly.

I was surprised that my name left his lips. My heart warmed at the thought that he might have dreams of me. He let out another moan and a blush hit my cheeks. Perhaps this wasn't just any dream.

I noticed movement under the sheets and gasped again. Oh, how I missed him. All aspects of him.

I shook my head trying to get the ever-present dirty thoughts out of my head and stood up from the bed.

"Miley?" Jason called out once more. I looked back at the bed and noticed that he was looking right at me.

"Hey," I said trying to break our eye contact, but nothing seemed to work. I am weak when it comes to him.

Jason reached out his hand and grabbed mine, and my heart skipped a beat.

"Will you lay down with me?" He asked almost pleadingly.

My mouth fell slightly open as I stared into his soft caramel eyes that were so easy to get lost in.

"I don't know if that is a good idea," I said stumbling over my own words trying to form a coherent question.

Jason broke the eye contact and let go of my hand. I felt my heart sting knowing that my words had hurt him.

"I'd do anything to go back and do things differently, but I don't regret trying to protect you," Jason said softly.

"It's my fault," I said shaking my head. "I broke the line between employer and lover." I sighed.

"Miley," Jason said getting out of the bed.

"No, I never asked for a hero," I said looking into his eyes once more. "I don't blame you, and I don't regret our time together. I'm grateful that you were trying to protect me, but we both crossed some lines." I said turning on my heel.

"Miley," Jason said grabbing my arm and stopping me.

"I'm not trying to be anyone's hero. I'm not perfect, and I've made a lot of mistakes. You weren't one of those mistakes. I wanted to protect you out of love and I got carried away." Jason said shaking his head and letting go of my arms.

"Please," Jason said dropping his head.

"Let me ask you a question," I said crossing my arms.

"Would you ever have shown up here if there wasn't a problem? If I wasn't in some sort of danger? I'm not stupid, Jason. I know that you are here because something happened. I don't need to know what it was but I can't help but think that you would have never shown up if I wasn't in some kind of danger." I said feeling a little relaxed about getting that off my chest.

"I," Jason said stumbling. He averted his eyes from me and I instantly knew the answer.

"Exactly," I said shaking my head.

I quickly left the room without another word.

I knew that I was right. Jason would never have shown up here or faced me if he just wanted to fix what he broke.

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