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Miley's POV

I walked downstairs to straighten up my house before Jason arrived. I was surprised he even offered to hang out with me. Of course, I was excited because I have been feeling really lonely since we returned.

I had a meeting with my lawyer this morning. We skyped because we didn't want my parents to find out that we were meeting. My parents still don't know what is going on. And we have almost a month before they find out. I already know that they are going to be pissed. I have been staying on my best behavior and my lawyer agrees that things are looking good for me.

I just wanted to get my money and life back so I could do what I wanted. I was tired of my parents breathing down my neck telling me what movie I should do and where I should go. They were so controlling and I feel so trapped. If I do something they don't like, they threaten to throw me in rehab. It was scary because they did it before and I know they would do it again if it meant they could hold onto my money.

I'm honestly surprised they even hired Jason. I know my dad is keeping tabs on Jason and I'm sure he has also been really annoying Jason. If I know my dad, he has Jason reporting to him on any and everything that happens in my life. So far, I trust Jason. He hasn't done anything to destroy my trust. 

Jason was strange and very composed. He didn't talk about himself much at all. That makes the mystery of him being a bodyguard even more exciting. I would ask Jason but part of me wants him to just tell me himself. 

A knock at my door pulled me out of my thoughts. I ran to the door and opened it. I didn't want people to see that he was waiting outside my house.

"Hey," I said opening the door for him to come inside. "Come in," I gestured.

"Hey," he said walking into the house. I led him into the kitchen. "I brought a ton of different snacks and movies." He said placing his bags on the counter.

"Thank you!" I said as I started searching the bags. I grabbed the Oreos and ran into the living room. "Movie time!" I shouted and Jason walked into the living room to join me.

"Due Date or Step Brothers?" He asked holding up the two movies.

"Due Date!" I said sitting down on the couch with my snacks in my lap. "Have you seen it before?" I asked as he began to mess around with the TV.

"No," He shook his head. "It's one of my roommate's movies. He says its hilarious but I have never watched it." He said as he continued to mess around with the TV.

"It is hilarious!" I said with a laugh.

"Do you know how to work this thing?" Jason asked turning to look at me.

"Hey, your guess is as good as mine." I shrugged.

"How do you not know how to work your own TV?" He shook his head and laughed.

"Most of the time I watch on the TV in my room or my laptop. I don't think I have ever used this TV." I said looking at the large TV behind Jason.

"Well, I am not sure that it even works," Jason said looking at the TV.

"Fuck," I sighed. "We can just use the TV in my bedroom," I said standing up from the couch.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed more snacks before walking upstairs.

"Are you coming?" I asked looking at Jason who was now standing in the kitchen awkwardly.

"Yeah," he nodded. He grabbed the movie and his phone before following me up the stairs.

I walked into my room and threw all the snacks on my large bed and grabbed the movie to put it in the DVD player.

"Good thing you know how to work at least one of the TVs in your house." Jason laughed.

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