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I wasn't sure which was worse; saying goodbye or saying hello. It had been 360 days since I had last seen Jason...and a lot had changed.

I wasn't the same girl anymore.

London, England. A home I didn't expect to find. I moved out of the states fairly quickly after things ended. I went on tour for my movie Lili with Steven and the cast, the movie was much bigger than I ever thought it would be. I was quite satisfied. I had also decided that it was time to take a break from acting after this. I needed some time to...figure things out.

I sold my place in L.A. and packed everything up. I moved into a penthouse in London. At first, I wasn't sure that I had made the right decision but after a while, it began to feel...right.

I busied myself with Yoga classes, and reading, and even writing. I didn't give up on acting or singing, I just knew that it wasn't something that I wanted to do anymore. I had spent most of my life in the spotlight, and it was time to step out of it. That didn't mean that I was never going to return to just wasn't something that mattered at the moment.

Surprisingly, I quite enjoyed writing. So much so that I had finished a manuscript of fiction work...and I had sold it to a publisher. I was going to publish it under and different name that way it didn't have my previous influence on it. I wanted to see if readers actually enjoyed the book for the right reasons, not because Miley Cyrus had written it.

The publishing house was quite satisfied with it and thought that readers would love it. They agreed on hiding my true identity of which I was grateful. I was happy that I finally had something for me. This wasn't under the influence of my parents or anyone for that matter. It was something that I did for me and it felt right.

Though the year passed slowly and painfully, I felt like I had found myself. For the first time that I can remember...I am happy. It was a strange feeling. I was truly happy. I was at peace. I was content with my life.

I had kept in touch with Sara and Josh. They recently got engaged. I wasn't surprised to hear that; she had a huge thing for him and I could tell that it was reciprocated. I was invited to the wedding and promised both of them that I would attend.

Brett and I even stayed in touch. His wife Gloria was an absolute sweetheart and we soon grew into good friends. I saw them every once in a while when they came to England on vacation which was often because Gloria had family here. Brett had told me time and time again that if I ever needed anything, that I should call him straight away and Gloria said the same. I appreciated them.

I had made a few friends here in London as well. Meg, who was a poet and her wife Wendi. We often planned dinners together and I would attend some of Meg's poetry readings when they happened to be in the city.

Though, my life was pleasant, I missed Jason dearly. I had thought that maybe after a few months that I would forget about him...but I was wrong. I still thought of him every single day. I had gone out on a few dates that Wendi had set up for me, but they never went further than dinner.

Meg had said that I was hopelessly in love with Jason and Wendi agreed. I did too. Meg was such a romantic that she was counting down the days. I suppose you could say that she was a team, Jason. Wendi wasn't completely sold she had said she would have to meet him in person before he had her blessing. I rolled my eyes every time she said that—which was quite often.

There were times where I so badly wanted to reach out to Jason and see how he was doing but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. We had said a year. 365 days and I had 5 more to go.

I wasn't sure what was going to happen when we see each other again and perhaps that was the scariest part.

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