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Miley's POV

My senses were more alive than they have ever been before. My eyes opened, my mind undone, and finally surrounded in some sense of peace.

This trip, this house, is beautiful and relaxing. I felt part of myself finally release some of the stress it had been holding onto. I am still struggling with thoughts of Jason but this week has been completely refreshing.

I found myself writing again. I got back into yoga. I jogged around the beach. I cooked. I was free for the first time in my life. I had no worries or responsibilities.

I found myself laying on the beach soaking up some sun...something I hadn't done in a while. I got a new book to read to take my mind off of everything that still remains.

Thunder rumbled pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked up at the sky seeing that dark clouds had begun forming.

The once sunny sky was now cloudy and unpleasing. A storm was obviously coming this way. Paul had mentioned that sometimes the area got storms especially during this time of year.

"Damn it," I breathed standing up and walking inside with my book in hand.

There was no one around for miles. I could be walking on the beach naked and nobody would see me. Though, I decided to put on a bikini just in case because one of the guards could show up at any given time.

I ran back into the house bringing in the outside things that I knew wouldn't survive the storm.

Once the patio was taken care of I got back into the house and turned on the news hoping to hear something about the storm.

"It looks like it is going to be a stormy weekend. A tropical storm is vastly approaching. At this time, we suggest putting everything away and close all doors and windows. Stay tuned for more updates." The weatherman said. I turned off the TV and began to lock the doors and windows.

I didn't know much about storms in this area but I did know that island storms were the worst kind. I sighed and I grabbed some candles and emergency supplies just in case the power would go out.

I reached for my phone to call the guards that were a little down the street and let them know about the storm but I didn't have any cell service.

Rick and Bobby were nice. I had gone to visit them a few times and brought them food. I had talked to them over the phone occasionally just to make sure everything was okay.

I heard some lightning and thunder and my stomach began to feel uneasy. Being in a storm was one thing but being alone in a storm was another. I felt suddenly nervous.

I changed into something more comfortable and cuddled up on the couch with my phone in hopes that I could calm down but it wasn't working and the storm was growing worse.

Lightning struck across the sky making me jump off of the couch. Thunder struck soon after and I fell to the floor wrapping my arms around my body. I have never been a big fan of storms and this one was loud and scary. The wind started to blow and I could hear the trees hitting the house and windows.

It was pitch black out there now, which only made me more nervous and vulnerable.

The sounds got louder and louder. I heard the trees hitting the house much louder than last time. I looked towards the front door and saw a man standing on the other side.

"AHH!" I yelled before running up the stairs and into my bedroom. I rushed to the bed and hid as my body shook.

Who would show up at someone's house during a storm? Could it be one of the guards? No, no.

"Fuck," I mumbled realizing that I had left my iPhone downstairs. I needed to get it back and try and call them.

I quickly moved from under the bed and down the hidden staircase that led to the kitchen.

I slowly walked down the stairs and crawled into the kitchen hiding from the windows. My body was still shaking as my nerves were completely undone.

I made it to the living room and found my iPhone. I quickly began to retreat back to my room when I heard the back door open and close.

The man was in the house. My body froze before I started to run back towards the stairs.

"Fuck," I muttered when I tripped over myself and dropped my iPhone. I stumbled trying to get back on my feet.

"Miley," the man called and everything in me stopped. 


I stopped, unable to move even though I tried. I tried so hard to run but I couldn't do anything. So, I stood still in complete shock.

"Miley," Jason's angelic voice rang again this time he was much closer than he was before.

I took a few deep breaths before slowly turning around. Becoming face-to-face with Jason. My breath caught and I nearly collapsed and fell down.

"What are you doing here?" I asked after a few deep breaths. My mind finally coming back into focus again.

Jason is here. Jason is standing in front of me. My heart started to accelerate at an uncomfortable rate.

"I had to take over for the guards for the weekend. Then the storm started and I lost service so I decided it would be best for me to come by." Jason said running his hand through his hair.

He seemed different and I wasn't sure if I should even believe a word that came out of his mouth. Jason had told me so many lies before, and he would keep things from me. Though I couldn't really read his expressions I noticed how his body movement felt daring. As if he was trying to contain himself.

"Oh," I said looking away. He took a step closer and my breath caught again.

I had yet to make eye contact with him. I don't think that I could take it if I did. I knew I would break into pieces.

"I'm sorry that I scared you," Jason said I could sense that he was holding back a laugh and I rolled my eyes before grabbing my iPhone and going back up to my room.

Once I was alone, I started pacing. My mind spinning. Jason is here. He is downstairs.

Why? How? What do I do with myself?

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