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Miley's p.o.v

I started pacing the living room as fear crept slowly through my bones. My hands continued to shake and I no longer had control of my body. I was supposed to be safe here. Sara and Jason said I was going to be safe. And now I stood in a dark house alone...waiting for Jason to come back with some news, any news.

Jason was going to come back. Jason was going to come back. I kept telling myself that over and over again. I was scared shitless. He struck again. The hater, or whatever he was.

The new note was even worse than the ones before. I was shaking at the thought. 

This was different. This time he left a signature. He wanted to have a name. Now he was named 'X'. Obviously this only meant things were going to get worse. Tears fell from my eyes as the sobs failed to escape my lips.

The time kept going by slowly. Josh was on the way, and Jason still wasn't back yet and my thoughts were scattered.

I paced, faster and faster.

"Anyone here?" Someone shouted. I froze. I knew it wasn't Jason and I fell to the floor in fear.

"Miley?" A man asked appearing in front of me with a flashlight. "It's me—Josh." He said turning the flashlight towards his face.

"Josh," I said breathlessly. I ran towards him and collapsed in his arms. As sob raked through me.

I had never been this scared before.

"It's okay," he said trying to calm me down. I was hysterical.

"Jason..." I mumbled pulling on Josh's shirt. "He..." I cried.

"It's okay, just tell me," Josh said sitting me on the couch. He kneeled in front of me with the flashlight still in his hands. He was trying to calm me down but I couldn't pull myself together.

"I don't know where he went." I cried. Jason should have been back by now.

"Take a deep breath," Josh said rubbing my arms. I needed Jason's comfort not Josh's.

"There was someone at the all happened so fast." I breathed. "Someone knocked and Jason answered...some messenger handed him an envelope and left." I shook my head. Nothing was making sense and I didn't understand why this was happening to me.

What had I done to deserve this? Why me?

"He read the note and gave it to me. I started freaking out!" I shouted. "The lights went out and then we heard a gunshot." I paused and my mouth dropped. "Jason told me to stay in the house and he ran towards the sounds. Oh god! Oh god! What if—he..." My whole body was now shaking. 

I can't lose him. I still had yet to admit my feelings to him. I could go on knowing that this was my fault.

"It's okay. Jason is a strong man. I am sure he is just fine." Josh tried to reason. "Your security team is outside searching now. It's going to be okay." Josh said. I was grateful for his help but at the same time, I was scared shitless. I needed Jason.

I started taking deep breaths. I was worried. Jason couldn't get hurt. I couldn't lose him. Not like this. It was too soon. I needed more time with him. We needed more time with each other.

"Miley," Jason yelled running into the house. I jumped off the couch and ran towards him. I landed perfectly in his arms. He picked me up off the ground and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He didn't protest instead he held me close to him. He wasn't going to let go.

"Are you okay? I thought, I thought..." I cried into the crook of his neck. I held onto him tighter.

"You can't get rid of me that easily." He said placing me on my feet. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you." He said kissing the top of my head. I was still in his arms and there was no way I was letting go.

Soon the bodyguards filled the house. The power was back on and they searched the house from top to bottom. Josh looked at the note with a perplexed face.

"What happened?" I asked after I collected myself.

"It was fake shots. No one was hurt. He was just trying to scare you." Jason said without pulling away from me. His arm was wrapped tightly around my waist as I held onto his torso my fist bunching up his shirt.

"Well, he succeeded in scaring her." Josh sighed with a shake of his head.

"I will make some rounds around the neighborhood with some of the men. You should get some sleep and we should probably leave in the morning." Josh said and Jason nodded.

Jason took me upstairs and into my room. I got ready for bed as Jason waited for me. No words were shared mostly because I didn't know what to say.

"Tell me you won't leave." I said looking at him after I was ready for bed. He was leaning his back against the door with his arms crossed in front of him. His eyes bore through me and I already knew the answer to that question.

"I'm not going anywhere." He said looking at me. "I'll be here when you wake up." He looked away. "Get some sleep." I could tell that this was hurting him as much as it was hurting me but we handled it differently.

I turned the light off and laid down in bed. I felt restless and knowing Jason was here helped. I just needed him closer to me.

"It's kind of weird knowing that you are standing at my door in the dark..." I sighed.

"I can sit down," he suggested.

"Come sit on the bed next to me." I said moving over for him. I was happy when I felt the bed dip. He didn't argue with me and for that I was happy.

I snuggled closer towards him so I was touching his arm and let out a breath that I had been holding for far too long.

"It's okay," he said rubbing my back.

I felt myself drift into sleep without further hesitation. It was because he was here by my side.

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