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Jason's POV

"Miley!" I shouted once I got into the house.

I put the pizza in the kitchen and walked back up to her room. It was so strange to just randomly be in her house. I didn't know how to feel about it. I guess I shouldn't feel much considering she wanted me here.

"Miley," I said walking into her bedroom.

"I'm in the bathroom!" she shouted with frustration evident in her voice.

"Uh," I said as I stood awkwardly in her large room. There was no way that I was going into the bathroom while she was bleeding over a toilet.

"Can you bring them to me?" She asked. What the fuck? No.

"Do I have to?" I asked walking towards the bathroom door. I felt so out of place and I wasn't sure what to do. Talk about being uncomfortable.

"I don't want to get blood everywhere!" She huffed. "Just open the damn door and throw them to me." The sound of her voice told me that she wasn't playing around.

"Fine," I groaned. I opened the bathroom door with my eyes shut.

"Look before you throw, dumbass." She huffed. I opened my eyes and looked around the bathroom before my eyes landed on her. I threw the tampons her way and she caught them. I quickly looked away from her and left the bathroom.

"Thank you," She said as I shut the door.

This is the most uncomfortable situation that I have ever found myself stuck in. A few moments later I heard her washing her hands and then the door opened.

"Thank god," she breathed. "I thought I was going to be stuck on that toilet for years." She said falling onto her bed, she looked exhausted. 

"What would you have done if I hadn't been here?" I asked with a laugh.

"I would have called you and told you to go get me tampons." She said nonchalantly as if I was stupid or something.

"Oh?" I asked.

"You didn't forget the pizza, did you?" She asked looking dead at me as if she might kill me if I forgot the pizza.

"It's downstairs," I shrugged.

"Go get it?" she said before rolling her eyes.

"I went to get you tampons and this is how you treat me?" I asked rolling my eyes back at her. I couldn't help but find her awfully adorable. 

"Listen here butthead, I said thank you. Just because people saw you doesn't mean your penis is suddenly smaller." She huffed and looked away from me.

"Why are we talking about the size of my penis?" I asked shaking my head.

"You are being a dick. I said thank you. Can you please go get the pizza?" She groaned. Though, I wish we were still talking about the size of my dick.

"Fine," I sighed before walking down to the kitchen. I couldn't help but shake my head and laugh at how adorable she was.

It was strange being around her. She brought a side out of me that I didn't know existed and I actually enjoyed when she nagged me, and I was starting to do it back. I was starting to become comfortable around her.

"Here," I said placing the pizza on the bed beside her as I re-entered the room.

"Thank you," she mumbled as she grabbed the box and took a slice. "Hmm," she moaned taking a bite. 

How fucking adorable. 

We ate in silence and I couldn't help but notice that she seemed a little sad. I started the next movie before sitting down next to her. Her phone started ringing and she groaned before answering it. I paused the movie so she can talk to whoever was on the phone.

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